Video Hub

March 2024

British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders Special Interest Group Presentation  

Our Coordinator, Emma Davies, presented at the British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders Special Interest Group.   

Please see the poster and presentation below 

November 2023

Neurology Academy: Parkinson's Advanced Master Class 

Our Coordinator, Emma, presented at the Neurology Academy Parkinson's Advanced Master Class, informing the delegates about Parkinson's Clinical Research and the UK PD-CSG.  

The delegates fed back that it was a very useful to know about this support, especially for those not in traditionally research-rich areas. 

We hope to continue to build on our links with the Neurology Academy to continue to engage more people in clinical research.

Watch the full talk here or click on the above image: 

November 2023

UK PD-CSG Update Presentation Nov 2023

Listen to Emma, our Coordinator, discuss the UK PD-CSG main aims, activities and exciting progress to date! 

May 2022

Cure Parkinson's UK PD-CSG Interview

Listen to Emma, our Coordinator, discuss the UK PD-CSG main aims, activities and exciting progress to date! 

Listen to our Group Lead, Professor Oliver Bandmann, and our Coordinator, Emma Davies, chat and answer questions from Cure Parkinson's about the UK PD-CSG, what we hope to achieve, our objectives and more. 

Watch the interview here

April 2022

UK PD-CSG Launch

In April 2022 on World Parkinson's Day, we were pleased to announce the launch of our new website which we hope will be a hub of information for people interested in Parkinson's Clinical Research across the UK. Professor Oliver Bandmann, Group Lead, and Emma Davies, Group Coordinator, speak about the launch, their excitement and the aspirations of the group.