About TAP

TAP is a student knowledge exchange (KE) programme that brings together students from under-represented backgrounds with organisations and businesses (including galleries, museums, theatres, construction companies, architects, digital SMEs and grassroots and community organisations) from Sheffield and across the UK for internships and projects with a focus on place and/or placemaking. TAP was originally funded by Research England and the Office for Students and has so far engaged 140 students and 55 partner organisations.

TAP engages students from ‘widening participation’ (WP) backgrounds – those currently underrepresented in Higher Education – thereby enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion in sectors involved in placemaking. A key priority for the initiative is providing organisations and businesses with an opportunity to diversify their workforce.

Students receive a full programme of support from the University to help them develop their own unique perspectives on place and placemaking and prepare for a mutually beneficial internship. Through critical, reflective and practical work, they are supported to draw on their experiences, apply their academic learning, articulate their employment trajectory and consider their potential contribution to the planning, design, reinvention and enrichment of public spaces.

TAP partners are organisations and businesses whose work involves placemaking and who are interested in hosting an Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences student for a 100 hour or 35 hour internship. We welcome partners from all sectors including housing and property development, retail, digital, media, arts and culture. Partners are supported to ensure the internship brings value to their organisation or business and serves their priorities, aims and objectives. Here is a list of some of our previous partners.

The initiative can also provide funding to support organisations that might not otherwise be able to be involved, through a number of small project grants (up to 2k). This is for partners and their TAP students to develop placemaking projects together.

If you are interested in being involved with TAP, please contact the TAP team on


for more information.

We would love to hear from you!