How does it work?

Our approach

Our Maker{School} approach to learning enables children to gain specific skills in making to enhance their knowledge and understanding in any and all curriculum areas. Each project contains the same three elements:




New to Maker{School}?

We would expect that children and teachers just starting their Maker{School} adventure will often build their skills at very similar levels regardless of their age or stage. The difference will be the context - the exploration and tinker time elements.

How does it work?

By adapting the exploration and tinker time elements, you can shape the learning experience to meet the needs of specific groups of children and your curriculum whilst tackling the same skill builder areas of making.

Useful Stuff

makeschool intro web.pdf

Simple guide to Maker{School}

Link to download


Link to download


Link to download

Choose a Project

Find a range of classroom projects here:

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