Earthquake proof

Electronics & Cardboard Level 1/2


This project explores earthquakes and focuses on the recent earthquake in Indonesia. It builds skills of circuits, developing their level one circuit skills to incorporate motors whilst also developing their skills of paper and carboard construction. Tinker time gives pupils the chance to make a wobble plate to test out an earthquake resistant building.

We have included a range of exploration activities. They have been designed to promote curiosity and give pupils a sophisticated knowledge base with which to create their tinker time project. However, if time is short, please feel free to select the most appropriate activities for your pupils.

what's going on.pdf

What's going on? (starter)

Use this PDF before the project begins

The words in blue help pupils to think about the skills they are using

what's going on

What's going on? (follow-up)

Use these activities to explore the Earthquake in Indonesia: January 2021.

This activity support the development of research and enquiry.

Teacher notes are included under each slide (click on the 3 dots to open).

What are Earthquakes?

Watch this clip and ask pupils to consider what precautions are taken in areas where Earthquakes happen

Find out more about Earthquakes by visiting the BBC bitesize page

earthquake engineers

Earthquake Engineers

Use these slides to introduce pupils to how earthquake engineers design buildings

Let’s explore geometry!

Let's explore...geometry

A practical activity to enable pupils to see how the shape of structures affect their strength.

Teacher notes are included under each slide

(click on the 3 dots to open)

  • 2 paper straws per pupil or pair

  • sellotape

  • pipe cleaners

  • string

Simulating Earthquakes

This clip explores how engineers develop and test Earthquake resistant buildings

Use this animated guide from the Guardian to explore earthquakes further (requires flash)

Simple Circuits

Use these resources to help pupils to build skills of using motors

Motors: Skill builder

Motor Movers

Use these slides to learn about how to use motors

Teacher notes are included under each slide

(click on the 3 dots to open)

Motors_ Skill builder.pdf

Motor Movers

A PDF version of the slides

Can be printed to use with pupils

battery pack (2xAA)

batteries (AA)



blue tack

masking tape

wire strippers

Can you make a wobble plate to test an earthquake proof building?

Engineers need to make sure that they design building to withstand the forces generated by earthquakes. To make sure they have the correct design and the right materials, engineers develop test rigs (like the one you saw in the skill builder). We call these test rigs wobble plates and would love to see if you can make one which will simulate the movement of an Earthquake.

1.) create a motor with vibrating motion (think back to the skill builder)

2.) attach your motor to a surface (plate) that your building can stand on

3.) design your wobble plate to re-create the movement of an earthquake (think back to the exploration) TOP TIP: you may need 2 surfaces to re-create the movement (think about how a trampoline works)

Use the resources below to help you.

Teacher Note:

The main aim of this activity is for children to deepen their knowledge, skill and confidence in using electronics to create solutions. This is done through building a wobble plate test rig.

Children could also design earthquake proof buildings to be tested using the principles we looked at in the exploration. If you choose not to do this element of the project, you might want to prepare a simple model for pupils to use to test our their rig. You could use paper straws or skewers connected with blue tack to do this.

Earthquake Tinker Time Teacher prompts.pdf

Teacher notes

Use this PDF to help promote deeper thinking during the project and support pupils with difficulties

Earthquake Tinker Time pupil resource.pdf

Pupil resource

PDF pupil sheet for the Tinker Time project


carboard (shoe box?)

carboard sheets

cardboard cutters/scissors


pipe cleaners



wire strippers

batteries AA

battery pack 2xAA


elastic bands


blue tack

masking tape

Key Stage 2: National Curriculum links


Human and physical geography describe and understand key aspects of: Earthquakes

English (lower key stage 2)

Retrieve and record information from non-fiction

English (Upper key stage 2)

Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction

Design and technology


  • use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups

  • generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through discussion, prototypes,


  • select from and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing], accurately

Technical knowledge

  • apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures

  • understand and use electrical systems in their products [for example, series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs, buzzers and motors]

Useful websites and resources