
We have teamed up with the amazing Erase All Kittens!

Learn to code.

Save kittens.

Save the universe.

A revolutionary game that prepares kids aged 8-14 for 21st Century degrees and careers, by equipping them with professional digital skills.

Make a MakerSchool - Make{Code} information session (2022-05-17 08_08 GMT-7) (1).mp4

Maker{Code} Twilight session recording

Get your FREE pupil accounts for EAK

Maker{Futures} is able to fund 60 pupil accounts for EAK for schools who are able to run these sessions by the end July 2022.

Please contact Emma Horton for details on how to get started. 

1. Code Algorithms

2.  World Wide Web

Download PDF or Google Slide

3. HTML Hackable Cards

Download PDF or Google Slides

4.  CSS Hackable Cards

Download PDF or Google Slides

5. Game Jam 

Download PDF or Google Slides