MA Cultural Heritage Management

Programme Director

MA Cultural Heritage Management: Dr Kat Fennelly (

Programme Induction Meeting

Date & Time: 20 September 2023, 10:00-11:00

Venue: ONLINE via BB Collaborate Link to join. 

This will be an informal group discussion to prepare you for the academic year and an opportunity to meet other students on your programme and ask questions. Individual meetings between yourself and your tutor can also be arranged by email at a mutually agreeable time.

Programme Regulations 

Please use our programme regulations finder tool to view the structure of the programme of study, including the core units and approved modules you can take. It is important to review this information prior to selecting your modules.

> Enter AAPT93 in the search field and select 23-24 in the second drop down menu, then press 'search'. Please note that these regulations apply to both the full-time and part-time programmes. 

Module Choice

This programme is offered in collaboration with the Management School.

Selecting the non-core modules you wish to study is part of the pre-registration process and you will be able to do this via the online module choice (OMC) system from 1 September 2023.  We have prepared some guidance.

Please note that some of the non-core modules indicated by the prefix 'MGT' are provided by the Management School.

Introductory Reading

This is a short, selected list of ebooks and texts that will be of use to students of Cultural Heritage Management. However, the list is by no means exhaustive and students should not limit themselves to the texts below. The most up-to-date critical scholarship can be found in journals such as those listed below, and students should browse these journals. 

Journal titles: International Journal of Heritage Studies, Heritage and Society, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal of Heritage Tourism.


Avrami, E. et al, 2019. Values in Heritage Management: Emerging Approaches and Research Directions. Los Angeles: Getty.

Cameron, F. et all, 2007. Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage: a Critical Discourse (Boston: MIT).

Corsane, G., 2005. Heritage, Museums and Galleries: an introductory reader (London: Taylor and Francis). 

Di Giovine, M.A. 2009. The Heritage-scape: UNESCO, World Heritage and Tourism (New York: Lexington Books). 

Hall, S., 1999. Whose heritage? Unsettling ‘the heritage’, re-imagining the post-nation. Third Text 13:49, 3-13. 

Harrison, R., 2013. Heritage: Critical Approaches (London: Routledge).

Harrison, R. et al, 2020. Heritage Futures: Comparative Approaches to Natural and Cultural Heritage Practices. UCL Press.

Harrison, R. and C. Sterling, 2020. Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, and of and after the Anthropocene (London: Open Humanities Press). 

Howard, K., 2012. Music as Intangible Cultural Heritage: Policy, Ideology, and Practice in the Preservation of East Asian Tradition (London: Routledge). 

Lixinski, L., 2013. Intangible Cultural Heritage in International Law (Oxford: Oxford Scholarship). 

Lowenthal, D., 2015. The Past is a Foreign Country – Revisited (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 

Macdonald, S., 2008. A Companion to Museum Studies (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell). 

Muzaini, H. and C. Minca (eds), 2018. After Heritage: Critical Perspectives on Heritage from Below (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).

Parry, R., 2010. Museums in a Digital Age (London: Routledge). 

Sonoda, N., 2016. New Horizons for Asian Museums and Museology (Springer). 

Stig Sørensen, M.L. et al, 2009. Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches (London: Taylor and Francis). 

Szczepanowska H.M., 2013. Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Key Principles and Approaches (London: Routledge). 

Trigger, B., 2014. A History of Archaeological Thought, 2nd ed. Cambridge: CUP. 

UNESCO Paper Series, []

Waterton, E. and S. Watson (eds), 2015. The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research (Basingstoke: Palgrave).