Postgraduate Taught Welcome Week Schedule

If you are a part-time student continuing to your second year of study you should have registered over the summer (information). You are still very welcome to attend any of the events outlined below. 

For new students, it is our expectation that you'll attend all of the below events as the content will support you throughout your studies. 

If you are arriving late and will miss these events please contact your programme director. 

Where possible, we will try to ensure presentation slides are made available on this page after the sessions.

Director of Education's Welcome 

Tuesday 19 September 2023  13:00 - 15:00

Venue: Diamond building, Lecture Theatre 2

A brief introduction to your PGT studies  including academic expectations, assessment and submission, avoiding unfair means and ways to provide feedback on your teaching & learning experience.  Colleagues from Student Wellbeing, the Library and the English Language Teaching Centre will also pop by to introduce themselves and their support services during the final 30 minutes.

Presentation slides

Programme Induction 

Wednesday  20 September 2023  10:00 or 11:00

Following the initial welcome session on Tuesday, there's an opportunity to meet your Programme Director and find out about how your programme will run. Your Programme Director will also act as your Personal Tutor, offering academic advice, support and mentoring throughout your studies. Please click on your programme below for the session details:  

MA Archaeology

MA Cultural Heritage Management

MA Heritage and Archaeology

MSc Archaeological Science

MSc Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology

MSc Osteoarchaeology

MSc Palaeoanthropology

Race Equality & Consent Conversations

Thursday 21 September 2023  10:00 - 12:00

Venue: Students Union (Nelson Mandela Auditorium) 

We are inviting you to attend our Race and Consent Conversations workshops. These one-hour workshops are peer-led by our Diversity Champions and are aimed to equip all students with information on support services available at the University and practical intervention tips as active bystanders. You are expected to attend both sessions as part of your induction activities in your academic department.

Warning - please note that these workshops contain information and discussion around sexual violence and racial discrimination. You are welcome to leave the session at any point if you feel uncomfortable and are encouraged to contact if you would like support. 

Race Equality Conversations (handbook available here)

This session aims to explore race and racism, particularly racial inequality in the UK. The session will include examples of privilege, microaggressions as well as reflective and interactive questions on diversifying the curriculum and tackling difficult conversations. We will also discuss practical intervention tips, equipping our students with skills to safely intervene and protect themselves and or the victim(s). 

Prior to this session we highly encourage you to view the following video, as it will provide you with an initial understanding of race and racism in the UK. We will then explore the topics covered in the video further in our workshop. Racism - We need to think differently (5 minutes). 

Consent Conversations  (handbook available here)

This session covers key topics of sexual consent: what the law and university policy says, what consent is, how to identify consent, and information on healthy relationships. These concepts are then discussed by students through a number of scenarios. The session finishes with students learning more about being an active bystander and how to effectively support their peers. 


You can find out more about consent at university at Consent Collective TV (Please sign up using your university email address) 

Department Facilities Tour

Thursday 21 September 2023 14:00-15:00

OR Friday 22 September 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Please choose to attend one of the above sessions and complete the follow-on actions here.

If you miss this date due to late arrival, please email and the team will arrange another session for you.

Venue: The meeting point will be the ground floor entrance to the Ella Armitage building.

Digital Learning Induction

Thursday 21 September 2023 15:30-16:30

 Venue: Diamond Lecture Theatre 8      

This session will introduce you to the Google Workspace - in particular, how to compose and respond to emails and manage your calendar and drive. It will also include an introduction to our virtual learning environment, Blackboard, which is the online space where you access module content, participate in online teaching sessions, and submit assessments. This workshop will be delivered by the Faculty Digital Learning team. 

Presentation slides 

Department Health & Safety Briefing

Friday 22 September 2023  13:00 - 15:00

Venue: Diamond Lecture Theatre 5

An Introduction to Department Health and Safety and Ethics. We will introduce you to the Department's Technical Team, talk through safety in our labs and on off-campus activities and show you how to navigate the H&S Hub. As well as talking about when you will need to submit an ethics application for research. This session is compulsory.  Please see follow-on actions here

If you missed this session, please view the videos found here.

Welcome Social

Tuesday 3 October 2023 16:00 - 18:00

 Venue: E050 E floor Engineering Heartspace (Faculty of Engineering)       

Please join us for a welcome social event for all new and returning students and staff. A great opportunity to meet other students and staff, and enjoy yourself! Further details to be shared by email.