Department Information

Academic & administrative staff contact details

Contact us  - general enquiries

Please get in touch if you can't find the information you are looking for or have a query. The Department's inbox is monitored daily and we're do our best to get in touch within 2 working days.

Department of Archaeology, Minalloy House, 10-16 Regent Street, Sheffield, S1 3NJ


Telephone: +44 114 222 2900

Archaeology Student Hub - information for current students

Once you have registered and have a University of Sheffield email account you will be able to access our Current Student Hub- here you'll find lots of other information to help you during your time with us.

Our facilities

The Department is split between two sites, the laboratories are located at Ella Armitage building, 40 Leavygreave Road.  AccessAble information is available here.

Academic staff offices and our PGR student study space are located at Minalloy House. Unfortunately, Minalloy House is not fully accessible to wheelchair users. There is no level access for visitors with limited mobility and the lift inside the building is small, along with four steps at the front entrance.  If you feel that you will not be able to gain access to Minalloy House, we are happy to arrange to meet you in an alternative venue.  Please contact us at so that we can arrange this.  A more detailed description of the building is available here.

Intercom access to these buildings will be available and subject to you completing the compulsory health and safety training, we'll arrange swipe access to these buildings via your student card (usually by week 2).