"Pride of the Pack" Marching Band

The "Pride of the Pack" Marching Band is the most visible performing ensemble of Shawnee Bands. The marching band includes all band students, grades 9-12, in a team oriented musical experience. The "Pride of the Pack" performs at all home football games, local spirit events, and competes throughout Oklahoma each fall with a unique and modern musical production designed specifically for Shawnee Band students.


The Shawnee "Pride of the Pack" Marching Band is open to all Shawnee Band Students who successfully completed middle school band. Transfer Students are welcome to join after meeting with the Shawnee Director of Bands.  

Rehearsal Schedule

The marching band season runs from late July to October. Rehearsal dates and times are subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, see the Shawnee Bands Calendar. The regular rehearsal schedule is as follows:

Summer Band Camp: Two weeks of full day rehearsals in late July and early August.

Morning Rehearsals: 7:30 AM through 1st Hour. Daily rehearsals will take place at the Brackeen Marching Arts Facility.

Evening Rehearsals: Each Thursday during Marching Band season.

Sectionals: 4:30-5:30 PM

Full Band Rehearsal: 5:30-7:30 PM


The Shawnee "Pride of the Pack" Marching Band performs their contest show and provides fun and exciting stand music at every home football game. Each home football game takes place in Jim Thorpe Stadium at 7:00 PM. 


As part of the Marching Band season, the "Pride of the Pack" will perform at three local marching band contests, along with the annual OSSAA State Marching Band Contest. The local contests are held on Saturdays starting in late September throughout October. Contests are fun all-day events complete with pageantry, full band meals, and unforgettable memories. Bus transportation will be provided for each contest. Call times may vary depending on each contest schedule. Advance permission from the Director of Bands is required for any special transportation needs to or from a contest.