Longitude and Latitude

Latitude and longitude are a system of lines used to describe the location of any place on Earth. Lines of latitude run in an east-west direction across Earth. Lines of longitude run in a north-south direction.

Do you know where you are? Let Tim and Moby help you figure it out with this BrainPOP movie on latitude and longitude! You’ll discover why these two measures involve invisible lines, as well as how the lines work. You’ll also find out how to pinpoint your location on the earth using a special grid, what the Prime Meridian is, why it runs through a town in England, and where 0 degree latitude lies. Plus, figure out how to keep latitude and longitude straight once and for all. Watch this movie and you’ll never get lost again!

Click the image below to watch a video about using Longitude and Latitude to find exact locations on Earth.

Click the link above to find the Longitude and Latitude of any place on Earth

Google Earth is amazing! Find someplace you love!

Explore worldwide satellite imagery and 3D buildings and terrain for hundreds of cities. Zoom to your house or anywhere else, then dive in for a 360° perspective with Street View.

Google Earth Flight Simulator! Fly over your neighborhood...or the Pyramids in Egypt!

Click the video below to learn how!

Fly around the world

Use a joystick or keyboard shortcuts to explore the world in a flight simulator.

Flight simulator requirements

To use the flight simulator, you need:

  • Google Earth installed on a Mac, Windows, or Linux computer

  • A joystick or a mouse and keyboard

Launch the flight simulator

You can open the flight simulator through the menu or by using shortcut keys:

  • In the menu: Click Tools Enter Flight Simulator

  • Windows: Press Ctrl + Alt + a

  • Mac: Press ⌘+ Option + a