Resources & Support


We want to reach out to extend a hand of solidarity, love and support from the Resilience Revolution during these challenging and uncertain times, and to ensure communication loops between us all continue to be open.  We believe that the Resilience Framework, a tool we are all now so familiar with in the Resilience Revolution, offers lots of really practical steps and actions which we can all draw on to navigate this situation and look after ourselves and one another.  

Young people, parents, carers, practitioners and many others are already mobilising to create resources, top tips and practical suggestions all linked to making Resilient Moves as individuals, family units and indeed across the whole town!  We plan to share as much helpful stuff as we can through this page, which we will update as regularly as possible (hopefully daily!)

The Resilience Revolution is a whole town approach to building resilience and now more than ever we will unite to support each other through this tough time.  Please do share any ideas, resources, advice or information that you think will be helpful to others through this page by emailing

Stay safe and lets keep connected.

The Resilience Framework Covid-19 (Blackpool RR) SCREEN VERSION.pdf

The Resilience Framework & Covid-19

A tool that anyone and everyone can use to help build resilience and get through tough times. 

In Blackpool, young people, adults and our whole community have been learning about resilience as we lead a world's first Resilience Revolution. It means anyone who lives, works or volunteers in Blackpool can play a part in making our own a more resilient place to grow up and live. Resilience is the ability to bounce forward from tough times. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is one of those tough times - affecting us all in different ways. Inside this Resilience Framework Resource    are two versions of our Resilience Framework. One created by young people for young people, and the family version - designed to be used by whole family groups or adults. 

If you live in Blackpool, look out for this resource which is being distributed to every household. You can also download a free copy of the leaflet  here 


29 May 2020

Parents of the Revolution Need You! 

An invitation from Parents of the Revolution to the virtual Coffee & Chat meeting each Thursday 

and an overview of their extensive discussions on schools. 


9 April 2020

Making resilient moves as a family - Focusing on Recycling and Getting Fresh Air


3 April 2020

Making resilient moves as a family - staying in touch


27 March 2020

Making Resilient Moves as a Family - focus on home schooling

Top tips for staying resilient as a family

23 March 2020

Top tips from our Parents of the Revolution. 

If you have any tips you wish to share, please email

Issue 1

18th March 2020

Ideas, suggestions and information kindly prepared and provided by the Resilience Coaches with support from the Parents of the Revolution Group