A POEM BY YPEG (Young People's Executive Group) 

Blackpool; a small Northern town right by the sea

A fun, exciting and busy place to be

Bright lights, fast rides and sandy shore

Arcades, the tower and ice-cream galore

However, behind the glamour there is a different scene

Growing up in Blackpool can be quite mean

Low employment, low income and low school marks

Young people feeling the pressure means poor mental health can start

HeadStart is more than a project, resilience more than a word

This is a wellbeing revolution and we are keen to be heard

This is not just a bid, it's our story of change

A symbol of our commitment a journey of wide range

Bouncing back, bouncing forward no challenge too small

HeadStart empowers young people and families to give it their all

Resilience is a philosophy, a different way of life

Giving and seeking support when need to get through trouble and strife

Young people, we are partners and equal voice throughout

Our involvement has had an impact, given the work massive clout

From budgets and commissioning to recruiting new staff

Evaluating projects, training residentials and having a laugh

HeadStart has grown incredibly in our two pilot years

The learning has been phenomenal; through blood, sweat and tears

Different people and services all coming together

Working hard to put young people and their health on the map forever

Young people at meetings has been a learning curve

The impact of sharing our experiences should never be swerved

We add a different perspective of the 'young people' kind

We have often taken over, although we're sure no one minds 

Our work for phase three is very exciting

Innovative ways of working make system change inviting

Whole school approaches to make education stronger

Support for families in their homes to keep them together longer

Making communities more inclusive for all

Ensuring the message of resilience stands proud and tall

Creative therapies and thinking outside of the box

Resilience coaches ensuring resilience rocks

For us as individuals our journey has been immense

Our confidence has grown and our passion does not relent

To have our voices heard makes us feel on top of the world

We have overcome so many challenges and our true talents have been unfurled

We hope you read our submission with an open heart and mind

We think it's pretty fantastic, a total one of a kind

HeadStart in Blackpool matters a great deal

Our learning is ongoing and our commitment to it real 

When five years are over and all the money is gone

HeadStart won't fade away the message will remain strong

Young people and families at the heart of the team

Making our vision a reality, no longer a dream

(Blackpool Big Lottery Fund Bid Submission, August 2016)