Young People

A resilient Blackpool – where young people see the difference, 

feel the difference and are the difference 

Blackpool’s young people are co-leading the ‘Resilience Revolution’ and there are a wide range of opportunities for young people to get involved and lead.  Some examples include

if you want to know more, please email us

Hi, I am Jordan. 

I love my sports and in particular playing football. I am keen to keep fit and love a sunny run down Blackpool Promenade!

Hello!  I’m Sam.

I love talking about most things but my special subjects are kebabs and Gerry Cinnamon (if you know, you know!). I have been on the team for nearly 4 years and I am really passionate about supporting Young People in my home town! 

Hey, I’m Elsi! 


I love my dog, Pablo. 

 In my spare time I love cooking meals. My specialty is Thai food.

Impact of Resileince Committees in School.pdf

With support from the workers above, young people took leadership in their school by forming Resilience Committees. 

This report presents our findings from the impact of School Resilience Committees.

Co-production in schools is fundamental to the Resilience Revolution. Young people from the Resilience Revolution take the lead in a variety of roles, including delivering keynote speeches, chairing, co-delivering workshops, filming, collecting research and more! To find out more about how we celebrated and learn from our Resilience Committees in preparation for this report

Watch our short documentary here -

Our Guide to Working with Young People - Highfurlong (1).pdf

Our Guide to Working With Young People! 

Take a look at Our Guide to Working With Young People! We are Highfurlong's pupil Resilience Committee and as part of the Resilience Revolution, we have co-produced this resource so that people can learn from our lived experience and expertise. 

We know things are not always easy, however we hope that our guide can give some practical ways of improving how you work alongside young people of all abilities. 

We are very proud of our achievement and plan to share this guide far and wide so that as many people as possible can begin to do the basic things well, ensuring ALL young people have positive experiences.

Thank you for reading.

Yours resiliently,

The Inspire Group, Highfurlong School

Young people also took part in different co-production activities which allowed people to work with  lots of other people with different roles and responsibilities to try and bring about change so that society works better for young people!


Open Up The Mic - was an exciting and interactive experience where, for 12 weeks, young people had an opportunity to work with some of the UK’s top comedians to develop their skills and knowledge around stand-up comedy! At the end of this 12 weeks was a live performance where young people showed off their new skills. 

Digital Arts Award - The digital arts award agave a group of young people to chance to learn new digital skills and participate in any art form. The group learned all about editing, photography, animation, script writing and more! 

youth engagement VCF final for approval.mp4

Friday Night Sessions - Our Friday night sessions were a place where young people to come and get to know the team and make friends and mix with other young people. What goes on in these sessions we leave to young people to decide but it often includes a variety of fun games, some great music, refreshments and everyone leaving having had a great time.  Here is a podcast about the value the sessions added to young people and the community.