The Third Annual Youth Engagement Residential

Took us the Brathay Hall for 3 days of fun-filled activity, team building and co-development of the 2020 International Resilience Revolution Conference to be held in Blackpool. 

The days were split into sessions, each having a different purpose. The bulk of the time was spent exploring different elements of a conference and what young people would like to see develop for next year's event. 

Young people talked passionately about their roles and responsibilities, they thought inclusively about access, engagement and learning and discussed creative and exciting ways to make the International conference the best it could be. The shared learning around the conference was all tied together with a Dragon's Den activity which blew away its panel of Dragons with the thought and consideration that went into each team's conference ideas. 

Of course it wasn't all work, there was some play too! 

A day of outdoor activities in the rain enabled the young people to show great character and conquer fears, with individual and team goals being smashed out of the water - quite literally! 

High ropes challenges and canoeing made for an action packed middle day - meaning only one thing for it during the evening's entertainment - Karaoke and quiz! 

The residential was wrapped up with highlighting achievements and mapping out next steps for individuals and also the groups as a collective - not forgetting some certificates and the infamous 'paper plate awards'. 

Young people often refer to each other as their HeadStart family and these 3 days were indicative of why; laughter, support, challenges, encouragement and of course a couple of tears along the way - but always there for one another. 

Roll on the 2020 International Resilience Conference!