Self-Harm Training with Nina

Training every staff member within a school is really beneficial in terms of the whole school having a shared understanding of self-harm as a coping strategy. This helps teachers understand that, when necessary, talking about self-harm in an open, honest, caring and empathetic way, without judgement is best. 

Teachers can then see the benefit of having ‘distraction boxes’ in the classroom and are accepting of the need for these types of resources to be available to the pupils. One particular school now has boxes in every classroom and they contain items that can encourage play and hobbies (games, play dough, art etc), organise self (diaries, notebooks), focus on the good in life (gratitude diaries), solving problems (puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku etc) calming down and making yourself feel better (bath bombs, twiddle muffs, bubbles – breathing techniques etc), having a laugh and many, many more. 

One school also took on the Emotions Wheel and are developing this into a PSHE lesson so that young people are more able to know and understand themselves as well as understanding other people’s feelings.

 The training highlights to staff the importance of safety planning with ‘vulnerable’ young people so they are able to take responsibility for themselves, understand what helps them calm down and self sooth, know there is somewhere they feel safe and where they belong so they know they are cared for. For further info please contact