The Resilient Rangers at 

St. John’s Church of England Primary School

We’ve all heard of the Power Rangers, yes? Well now we have an even better version right here in Blackpool – The Resilient Rangers! Instead of fighting crime, they are fighting to make things better for all pupils by encouraging St. John’s C of E to be as resilient as possible.

It all started back in the summer term of 2018 when the school embarked upon their Academic Resilience Approach journey – in plain English, the school were looking to figure out how to become a more resilient community where all their pupils would thrive. The school’s team at HeadStart worked with staff and senior leaders, whilst I got to work with the pupil resilience committee – and what a committee they turned out to be!

Following the pupil audit (a process of learning about resilience in school, reflecting on what things in school promote resilience and what things have a negative impact on pupils), the self-named Resilient Rangers came up with their priorities to take forward to a ‘whole school action plan’ around resilience. Pupil priorities included peer support, life skills in school particularly around cooking and independence, address friend fallouts and minor bullying issues and to contribute to the student –led fundraising committee to support those who may need extra financial support in school to access opportunities.

In the short space of one term – yes just one term! – the Resilient Rangers have undertaken a huge amount of work; • they have delivered a school assembly to share their thoughts with the rest of the school • they have designed and created a newsletter for everybody in school to update on all resilient matters • they have been presented with badges • they have joined forces with the anti-bullying ambassadors to make a super group, meeting up regularly on Wednesdays at lunchtime. A real impact on addressing the priorities they identified from the audit!

Peer support/friend fallouts: 

The committee themselves ensure two Year 6 pupils are on duty on the year 3, 4 and 5 play area at lunchtime. They are on hand to offer support, advice or just someone to talk to for anyone who may need it. They have already had great success in helping to resolve friend fallouts before escalating to a teacher or member of staff, promoting a more harmonious playground and empowering the young people to solve their own differences.

Developing life skills: 

The Resilient Rangers identified that knowing how to cook basic meals would have a real positive impact on some students at St. John’s C of E, particularly those who may have responsibility beyond their years. 

So, with solid backing from the school, in particular the wonderful Mrs Tiribocchi, the team were able to invite Warburton’s into school to deliver a FREE basic cooking workshop to pupils in Year 6. They made healthy pizza, learned a great deal and of course had lots of fun! The school have now set up a cooking club for Y4 pupils and parents, with a view to extending this to more families in the New Year. 

In just one term, the pupils and staff at this school have made phenomenal progress in looking to change the odds for their pupils. They have not just looked to focus on one or two pupils who may need support; they have looked to put things in place that will help everybody. And their work is not done yet! Charlie, a member of the Resilient Rangers stated “It feels great because we’ve helped over a quarter of the school already and we’re not finished yet!” 

I am so proud to be a former pupil of this amazing school. A school that is tackling the challenges they face by putting young people in the lead to bring about positive change and focussing on the strengths and assets they have as a school – the pupils being the most significant one. A school that is the epitome of The Resilience Revolution

Nathan Parker Youth Engagement, HeadStart