Resilience in School

Our Resilience Coaches Joanne, Lorie and apprentice Josh are working with groups of students in Anchorsholme, Bispham Endowed and Mereside Academy. They are using the Resilience Framework to devise strategies to help pupils become more resilient and become active members of the Resilience Revolution.

Mereside enjoyed being introduced to the ‘cool it and calm down box’. This is a way of empowering young people to widen their choices for self-soothing during challenging times and when upset. All the children engaged really well and enjoyed building their box to take home and put to good use. Well done Mereside! One pupil managed to incorporate the magic Resilient Framework into her calming down fortune teller activity. Thinking resiliently is a winner... Brilliant work!

Bispham Endowed explored thoughts and feelings and how they affect our behaviour. They learnt that by listening to body clues they were better placed to react positively to emotions, before they led to any unhealthy behaviour choices. The role play skills during the feelings charades were second to none... great job Bispham, see you on the telly soon! 

Last shout out to Anchorsholme Academy where one pupil identified he would benefit most from reading a good novel to help distract himself during an emotionally challenging time. This gave our Resilience Coach Jordan a good idea. How cool would it be to create a competition in school to create an exciting short story to be printed and shared during ‘cool in and calm down’ box week? Get your creative heads on children... and watch out for further details.

Joanne Donnelly Resilience Coach, HeadStart