PSHE Leads Forum

At the end of February I chaired a Forum for PSHE leads across Blackpool at The Grange. 

The turnout was amazing with over 20 local primary and secondary schools represented. 

The Forum gave attendees the chance to hear about training and support that schools can access for through this project. 

During the afternoon I launched the PSHE Resource Library which is packed with resources and useful referral pathways and information that will be invaluable to PSHE staff. 

This library is accessible to staff from March 2019.

At the end of the afternoon we had the chance to hear from Paul Stewart, ex England professional football player. Recently Paul has received well deserved recognition and acclaim for his courageous stand against the abuse he suffered as a young player. The abuse began when he was coming through the ranks of professional football. 

It was certainly emotional to hear him speak so bravely about his experience, but also to thank the room of professionals for “……continuing to strive for the best care possible for children and young people………..”

In addition to hearing about the support that is on offer from a variety of speakers, it was lovely to welcome staff and young people from Highfurlong School (see pictures below) who came along with their Pop-Up shop. They had a lovely selection of handmade cards and gifts for sale. We look forward to welcoming them to our next Forum on:

Wednesday 9th October at The Grange 1.30pm-3.30pm


Nicole Ronson

PSHE Primary Support Officer