Practice Sets

in Google Classroom

LEarn to Use Practice Sets

A mini course that introduces Practice Sets and walks you through creating your first set.

Practice Sets is a Classroom feature that lets teachers transform their existing content into engaging and interactive assignments.  Educators can use practice sets to automate grading, identify concepts that need review, and provide students with built-in hints and resources to support them as the work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Teacher Perspective

What types of questions can I add and which can be auto-graded?

Can I create a Practice Set using an existing assessment?

You can create questions in Practice Sets from existing PDF filesIf your questions are in a different format, you can often download the file or print it as a PDF.  To select questions from the PDF, use the "Import" tool.  Once you open the PDF, drag your mouse over the text of each question, reference material, and image you want to add. 

Can I add images or math equations to my Practice Set?

Images can only be added from a PDF.  

Here are some ways to get your images into a form that works with Practice Sets:

Once the images are in a PDF, you can use the "Import" option in Practice Sets to add the images.

Math equations

Teachers can access a math keyboard when creating questions and answer choices.  Students do not currently have access to a math keyboard.

Use the built-in math keyboard when you want to add equations or symbols either the question or answer area.

How do I add hints and extra help to my Practice Set?

When you add a question to a practice set, Google’s adaptive learning technology suggests appropriate learning skills based on the content of the question. By attaching a learning skill to the problem, you turn "on" the ability for students to receive help and hints for students automatically via the light bulb or resource tray. You can choose the suggested learning skills or add others.

Once you choose a skill, the light bulb will light up yellow indicating that students will now receive resources and hints for this question.

What kind of data can I see after my students complete a Practice Set?

Insights provide an overview of the class strengths and areas of need to inform next steps. At a glance, educators can save time by:

I noticed an error after I posted it to my class in Classroom.  Can I edit the Practice Set?

No.  When you attach a practice set to an assignment in Classroom, you are attaching a snapshot of that practice set. This means that once it is assigned, you cannot edit the practice set. If you want to edit a practice set that has already been assigned to students, you need to delete the assignment, edit the original practice set, create a new assignment, and attach the practice set again.

Student Perspective

How do students access the hints and extra help?  Do they have to try the question first?

If you added skills to questions in the Practice Set, students will have access to hints and resources immediately.  If a student answers a question incorrectly, they will be prompted to access a resource that might be helpful.  These resources are automatically generated by AI.  The teacher is not able to select or remove resources or upload their own resources.

I want students to be able to show their thinking/work. Is that possible?

Under each question is a box for students to enter their answer. In addition, there is a notepad area where students can show their work. Click “show your work” to open the notepad.

Students can type or use the drawing tool in both the answer box and the notepad. Click the drawing tool icon to toggle it on and off.

Practice Sets - Student View.mp4

Video of Student Experience in Practice Sets (no audio)