
Tutoring/ Resources & Tips to succeed


For assistance with any other subjects, please see your teacher directly.  Many teachers offer support during a set time or day.

Note: Counselors and teachers are *not* able to make recommendations for outside assistance with regard to tutoring, study skills, organization assistance, etc.  See below for suggestions.

If a student/parent has a concern with a class, it is always recommended that the student/parent reach out to the teacher directly by email or phone before contacting the counselor.  By talking to the specific teacher, often times, a concern or question can be answered or solved quickly. 

Are you struggling in any of your classes?  

Doing More at School…..

1.  Get organized. You could be struggling because you can't keep up with your assignments and are missing grades. This will bring your overall average down. When you have multiple classes, your notes and handouts can get kind of mixed up. This can lead to you to miss information, which can cause you to fail a class. Make a folder for the class you are struggling in. Keep the necessary notes and worksheets together in a color folder so you never lose papers. Put any papers from that class into the folder every day. This way, you won't miss anything and can keep up with the classwork.

2.  Go to every class on time every day. Missing class often is a major cause of poor grades. You get behind and cannot catch up. If you miss school or class often, you will not know what the teacher wants you to learn. You also won't understand their expectations for assignments and tests. This can cause a low or failing grade. Even missing one class can hurt you because you will miss a lot of necessary information for upcoming tests. This will not help you bring up your grade.  

3.  Pay attention in class. Getting distracted can cause you to fall behind in class and fail assignments. In order to pull your grade up, you have to pay attention in class. Just because you are in class doesn't mean you are mentally present in class. Make sure your mind is present in class. You need to be ready to learn and retain the information. This will help you do better on future assignments, which will bring up your grade.

4.  Take good notes. You may be having a hard time in class because you don't know the information needed to pass the assignments in the class. When your teacher talks about the material in class, write it down. Try to mark or indicate which concepts are discussed more than others because those are the ones you are likely to be tested on. If your teacher tells you that something is going to be on the test, mark that in your notes so you know to study that area extra hard.

5.  Hand in any missing work. If you have any work that you forgot to hand in, submit it as soon as possible. Your teacher may accept any late papers, though you may not get full credit for whatever you handed in late.

6.  Take your learning further. One reason you have been struggling may be because you only understand the content in certain situations. You need to be able to apply whatever you are learning to the larger picture. If you only understand the information in one way, you cannot translate it to other situations. This will cause you to miss questions on exams and do poorly on papers because you can't think critically about the information. 

7.  Talk to your teacher. You might be struggling because you don't respond well to a certain teaching method. If you are having trouble with a teacher, let them know that you aren't responding to the way they are teaching something. They may be able to help you understand it in a different way. You should also talk to them if you just don't understand the material overall. Find out when they are available and ask for a meeting with them. Ask them questions such as, "I am having a hard time understanding the information in this class. Can you help me understand?" They are the authority on the subject and can help you with the material that is giving you a hard time.

8.  Ask about extra credit. This can be a tricky one if you are *not* doing the assigned work for the class. A good way to bring your grade up is to do extra credit assignments. This can give you more points on an assignment that you failed. It can also give you an extra grade that will help bring up your overall average. Ask your teacher "Is there any way to do an extra credit assignment? I have been working hard to bring my grade up and I would like a little help." If they see you are serious about bringing your grade up, they might be more inclined to give you an extra credit assignment to help bring up your failing grade. 

9.  Attend after school tutoring/or see your teacher during non-class time. Attend free after school tutoring. The advantage is that students that are studying the same material are there to help you work through the assignments and learn the materials. The major benefit of this is that they are on the same level as you and are working on the same assignments. This will make it easier for them to help you with the questions you have. 

10.  Know the weight of assignments. Some teachers/departments make a test worth more than homework.  In some classes, all points are the same.  You can tell this by looking in Aeries on the computer and seeing if there are percentages at the bottom next to the different categories (ie: tests, homework, classwork)

Doing More at home…..

1.  Make a plan. You may be having a hard time due to poor time management. In order to change your grade, you need to introduce more effective time management skills into your life. If you want to bring up your grade, you need to work hard to get all your work done and still have time to study. To do this, lay out the assignments in all of your classes for the rest of the semester. Also lay out any other obligations, such as work, after school activities, or social engagements. Mark each event on the calendar starting with the most important. This should be the work for the class you are failing. Then fill in the rest. This way, you will know exactly what you need to do and how long you have to do it. 

2.  Do your homework. Since homework is often graded, you should be doing every bit of homework to ensure that grade is as high as possible. It is also one of the best ways to stay current with the material you are learning in class is to do your homework. Don't let it pile up. If you get backed up, you will miss needed information for tests and other assignments. The more backed up you are, the less new material you will understand. This could be the reason you failed assignments in the past. You also will learn the information as it comes and not have to worry as much about cramming to learn all the information for the test the night before. 

3.  Study hard. The only way to bring up a poor grade is to make better grades on the other assignments. This starts with studying at home. You can't learn the information if you don't study it, so try to commit time each night to studying. Turn off distractions such as phones, laptops, TVs, or music. The more focused you are, the more work you will get done and the more information you will retain.

4.  Start assignments right away. People sometimes struggle/fail because they get stuck on one assignment. Once they get stuck, they put off the work and don't revisit it until it is too late. Procrastination is not an option when you are trying to bring up your grades. When your teacher hands out an assignment, start on it right away. If you wait to the last minute, you are not going to be putting 100% into your work and you will not get a good grade. This will also help you if you get stuck on an assignment. Once you get stuck, you can ask for help from a classmate or your teacher. 

5.  Create a study group. When a test is coming up, find some people from your class that you can study with. Each of you can help each other study and engage with the material better than you can on your own. Prepare material before you meet and then, when you come together, be prepared to quiz each other, go over problem areas, and review the material most likely to be on the test.

6.  Get enough rest. You may be struggling in your class because you are too sleepy and drowsy to pay attention in class. You may also do poorly on assignments because you are too tired to devote your full attention to them. Getting enough sleep is necessary for concentration and information retention. If you are sleepy throughout class, you are less likely to take notes or retain the information given in lectures. Try to get 7-8 hours a night so you will be rested for the next day.

Title | Improving And Maintaining Grades  Retrieved from:

Test Taking Strategies

Strategic Test Taking- Before, During, and After the Exam  

Getting A’s on exams is rarely due to luck. Achieving good grades takes long-term planning, preparation, discipline and practice. Here are some basic strategies for better test performance. Try them out!  

Before the Exam: 

During the Exam:

After the Exam:

thinktank.arizona.eduNugent Building, Park Student Union, Rec Center

Tips to Help Students Get and Stay Organized

Life as a student is busy. There’s so much going on. If you’re not organized and you feel like you’re not on top of things, stress can build up. You might end up working late and sleeping less to try to catch up, but this isn’t a good habit. Getting organized for school is all about developing good habits and systems.

30 simple tips that will help students to become organized, productive, and effective

1. Develop a routine

Consistency is the key to student success. So write down your general weekly schedule and create a routine.

Include things like when you’ll do your homework, when you’ll review the things you’ve learned, when you’ll exercise, and so on.

It’s not possible to stick to a routine 100% of the time, but at least set up the framework to keep you focused and on track.

2. Set rules for yourself

Set some very specific rules for yourself. These could be things like “complete all projects and assignments at least two days before they are due” or “start studying for tests at least one week in advance”.

Review your rules once a month and adjust them if necessary.

3. Write everything down

No one has a perfect memory, and trying to remember everything is stressful. So make a habit of writing down all your events, meetings, ideas, and things you need to do.

Use a notebook or planner, or try an app like Google Keep or that you can use on your phone and computer.

When you write everything down, you’ll be less anxious because you won’t be relying on your brain as a storage device.

4. Create your own deadline that is before the actual deadline

Create your own deadlines and put them in your planner or calendar. Having your own deadline reduces stress for you as a student. You’ll also be more likely to submit your best work.

Don’t treat the actual deadline as the deadline. Set your own deadline one or two days before, and plan accordingly.

5. Work on one task at a time; don’t multitask

Multitasking seems like a good idea because you can pretend that you’re working twice as hard. We all get bored of the tasks we’re working on, so jumping about seems more fun.

The problem is that it doesn’t result in the best outcomes.

Here’s what I recommend: Take a scrap piece of paper and write down the task you’re working on right now, e.g. Math assignment, questions 1 to 5.

Put that scrap piece of paper on your study table, to serve as a reminder for you to stay focused on the task at hand.

6. Use apps or websites to help with organization

Use the 'remind' feature on your smart phone to remind you of things you need to do at home or at school.  You can set this for a certain day and time.  Another good practice is to use the 'notes' app to keep track of HW, upcoming tests, etc.  

7. Use a planner

I recommend that you put the planner on your desk once you get to class and leave it there throughout the school day. This makes it more likely that you’ll use it because it’s right in front of you.

If you leave your planner in your backpack, you may feel like it’s too troublesome to take it out to use.

Put everything in your planner: homework, test and exam dates, family events, social events, etc. This way, you’ll be far more organized.

If you’re allowed to use your phone or computer in class, then you can use Google Calendar, Google Keep, or MyStudyLife instead of a hard copy planner.

8. Declutter once a week

At the end of each week, look through all the papers, notes, brochures, and other things you’ve accumulated. Recycle or throw away all the things you don’t need.

Clutter attracts clutter. So if you declutter once a week, you’ll be more likely to stay organized in general. You’ll also find it easier to stay focused.

9. Put sticky notes on the front door to help you remember things

You can use this tip for things you don’t want to forget, such as bringing an extra T-shirt to school or asking your parents to sign a consent form.

Put a sticky note on the front door. The note can have just the key word written on it, like “T-shirt” or “Form”. This will make it almost guaranteed that you’ll remember.

10. Keep one notebook and one binder for each subject

Take all your notes for one subject in one notebook. When you run out of space, start a new notebook. Label each notebook clearly, e.g. History Notebook 1, History Notebook 2. This will make it easy for you to find the information you need in the future.

Doing this will help you to be organized.

I discourage you from taking notes on loose sheets of paper. I also discourage you from using only one notebook, in which you take notes across all your different subjects.

Make a habit of keeping one binder for each subject and filing your assignments and printed notes according to type. File all your assignments together in sequential order, followed by your printed notes, which should also be filed together in sequential order.

11. Bring an accordion folder to school every day

This accordion folder is for your daily use.

Create one section of the accordion folder for each subject, and label each section clearly.

I recommend reserving the front section for incomplete homework, so the homework will be easy to find.

12. Do filing once a week

At the end of each week, transfer all the printed notes, assignments, etc. from the accordion folder to the respective subject’s binder.

Doing this weekly is a good practice, to ensure that your accordion folder doesn’t get too full or messy.

13. Do five minutes of daily planning each day

Before you start doing your homework or studying for a test, look at your planner first. Take note of all upcoming deadlines, and think about your schedule for the rest of the day.

Then you can decide what specific tasks to work on for the day. Doing daily planning will ensure that you’re always working on the most important tasks, and that you don’t leave anything out.

14. Learn to say no

If you want to be an organized, effective student, you can’t say yes to everything – there will always be trade-offs you’ll need to make.

So decide on the boundaries you want to set for yourself. Decide how many times you’ll go out with your friends each week, how many days each week you’ll devote to extracurricular activities, and what your priorities are.

Then practice saying no to protect these boundaries. And don’t feel guilty when you say no! Remember, it’s not about being a busy student; it’s about being an effective student.

15. Block out time in your schedule for the things that matter most

Blocking out time in your schedule is critical. If you don’t do this, other things which are less important will fill your schedule.

In your calendar or planner, block out time for things like family events, religious activities, volunteering, and studying.

Then honor these commitments and stick to your schedule as much as possible.

16. Break down big tasks into smaller tasks

Breaking down big tasks and projects makes them seem less overwhelming and more manageable. Doing this also makes it clearer what your specific next step or task is, so you’ll be less likely to procrastinate.

Here’s an example. Rather than telling yourself that you need to work on your history essay, break it down into smaller tasks like:

17. Once a week, review the upcoming events in your planner/calendar

Each week, take a few minutes to see what important events and deadlines are coming up over the next month. This will help to ensure that you don’t overlook any important projects, tests, or assignments.

Reviewing your schedule helps you to stay on top of things. It also keeps you calm and in control, and allows you to adjust your daily and weekly priorities.

18. If a task takes two minutes or less to do, do it immediately

The “two-minute rule” was popularized by productivity expert David Allen. When you follow this rule, small tasks don’t pile up and become overwhelming.

Things like texting a friend, sending your classmate some information via email, or asking your parents to sign a consent form are all quick tasks that take less than two minutes to complete.

When you do these tasks immediately, you’ll feel a sense of achievement too.

19. Clear your desk at the end of each day

This only takes a minute to do and prevents clutter from building up. I recommend doing this when you’re done with your homework or studying for the day.

It will make it easier for you to find what you need when you next sit down to work. In addition, when you have a neat desk, you’ll feel more motivated to study.

20. Develop a specific plan for every upcoming test and exam

Don’t just tell yourself that you’ll study hard for the test or exam. That’s too vague, and you may feel as if you’re never prepared enough.

Instead, develop a plan. Write down what resources you’re going to use, how many practice questions or exam papers you intend to do, how many times you plan to read the notes, and so on.

Write all the steps down on a sheet of paper and create a rough timeline as well. When you’ve completed everything on your plan, you’ll know that you’re well prepared.

21. Create a conducive environment at home for studying

If you want to be an effective student, you need to have the right environment to work. You need all the necessary materials, stationery, paper and study tools. You also need a suitable table and lamp.

And if you want to be productive, you definitely shouldn’t study on your bed!

22. Before you start work, eliminate all distractions

Take a moment and think about the distractions you typically face when you’re trying to study. Common ones include text messages, notifications on your phone, social media, YouTube, books, and magazines.

Remove these distractions before you get to work. Put your phone in another room, turn off Internet access on your computer, and put the books and magazines at the other end of the room.

23. Use a stopwatch or timer

When you want to be productive, use a timer to help you focus. Using a timer adds a sense of urgency.

Try working in blocks of 30 to 40 minutes, followed by a short break. If you’re up for it, set a timer for your breaks too, so that you don’t take a 45-minute break when you only intended to take a 10-minute break.

24. Double-check that you’ve completed all the homework that’s due the next day

Set a recurring reminder so that you’ll do this every school day in the mid-afternoon.

This will prevent you from scrambling at the last minute or pulling an all-nighter just to get the assignment done.

25. Every day, review all the new information you learned in school earlier that day

A quick review of the key concepts should only take you about 20 minutes.

Doing this helps to ensure understanding, so you stay on top of the material.

If you really can’t do this review on the same day, do it the following day while the information is still fresh in your mind.

26. Keep an ongoing list of the questions you have about the class material

As you read your notes and the textbook, keep a list of the things you don’t understand and the questions you have. As soon as you’re able to, ask your teachers about the items on your list.

If you do this consistently, you won’t need to spend so much time studying for tests and exams, because you already understand the information.

27. Every school night, pack your backpack for the following day

This way, you won’t have to scramble in the morning to pack. Set a reminder on your phone or put a Post-It note on your desk to ensure that you do this every school night.

Create a checklist for the things you need to remember to bring to school, and put the checklist somewhere accessible.

28. Wake up a little bit earlier each morning so you don’t have to rush

For most students, waking up 5 to 10 minutes earlier is enough to avoid the unnecessary stress of rushing in the morning.

When you rush, you often forget things – which means that your day doesn’t start well. So go to bed early, get at least eight hours of sleep every night, and set your alarm so you wake up a bit earlier.

I recommend that you put the alarm clock at the other end of the room, so you won’t be tempted to snooze. I also recommend using the Alarmy app if you use your phone as an alarm clock. It’s the best alarm clock app I’ve ever used!

You can get Alarmy for your Android or iOS device.

29. Every school night, pick out the clothes you’re going to wear the following day

If you wear a school uniform to go to school, then this is easy. But it still saves you time.

Take your school uniform or the clothes you’ll wear the following day, and hang them somewhere easily accessible, like on the door knob of your room door.

This only takes you a minute to do, but makes the morning that much less stressful.

30. Make your bed every morning

This is a small victory to start the day.

It sets the tone for the day and will help you to be more productive overall.

Even this US Navy admiral recommends this simple tip as a way of improving your motivation and focus.


This is a detailed article that might leave you feeling overwhelmed, especially if you’re not already an organized student.

So take one step at a time. Start by identifying which areas you need to work on, and then prioritize them.

Adopt one new habit in the coming week. Once you’re comfortable with that habit, adopt one more.

Review this article periodically. Each time you do, identify another area to work on.

Remember that no one is perfect. Your journey as a student – and in life, too – is always about progress, not perfection.

Start making progress toward becoming an organized and focused student today!