Flipped Classroom Materials

Flipped Classroom Module Rules

1. The deadline for a module will be described on Google Classroom

2. For every flipped classroom module video you watch, you must take notes as if you were in class.

3. All flipped classroom materials should be kept in chronological order in the back of your math binder or in the back of the section of your math binder.

4. To complete of Flipped Classroom module you must do the following.

a. watch the video

b. take notes on the video.

c. practice the problems on the first of the two practice worksheets for that module. (You can print the worksheet or copy them onto a sheet of paper.)

d. Use the answer key to check your work.

Now, this is where variations can occur.

1. If you get 90% of the problems correct, go to the google form for the Online Assessment. You must submit these problems in writing. You may copy them onto the back of the worksheet or onto the back of the sheet on which you wrote the practice problems.

2. If you got between 70% and 80% of the problems correct, use the second version of the worksheet to redo the problems that you got wrong. For instance, if you got problems #2, #4, and #9 wrong on version 1, redo problems #2, #4, and #9 on version two. They will be similar and focus on the same skills. After you check them on the answer key, go to the google form and complete the online assessment as described in point 1 above.

3. If your rate of success on version 1 was less than 70%, you should complete the entire version 2 worksheet. If you are more than 80% successful, go to the online assessment and complete it as described in point one above.

4. If after two versions, you are still very unsuccessful, please consult with me for an alternative intervention.

Flipped Classroom Materials

Topic: Factoring

Module: GCF/Undsitribution

Module: Differences of Two Squares

Module: Perfect Square Trinomials

Module: Quadratic Trinomials (Easy)

Module: Quadratic Trinomials (Hard)

Module: Sum and Differences of Cubes

Topic: Radicals

Module: Adding and Subtracting Non-Variable Radicals with Square Roots

Module: Multiplying and Dividing Non-Variable Radicals with Square Roots

Module: Simplifying Non-Radical Variable Radicals of Higher Degree