
Expectations Specific to Online Learning

Good Apps to Have on Your Phone and Devices

  • Google Classroom

  • Google Drive

  • Google Docs

  • Google Slides

  • Google Sheets

  • Genius Scan (or similar pdf maker)


  1. The majority of our communication will be done online via Google Classroom, Email and Google Meet or Zoom. These tools will be used both in synchronous and asynchronous fashion.

  2. I maintain this website for the class. In addition, we will be using Google Classroom as well. You should bookmark this site in all of your devices.

  3. I can be reached by email at Tom_Vizza@sdst.org. I prefer to be reached by email.

Online Sessions

  1. Be sure to stay on mute unless I call on you directly.

  2. Be present when we are online. Don't be engaged in other activities, such as games or your phone.

  3. Use your designated background.

  4. Make sure I can see your face.

  5. If you want me to unmute you and in effect be "called on", be sure to use your chat feature to notify me.

Expectations & Classroom Procedures

  1. You need to have a three ring binder with loose leaf paper. A supply of graph paper is a good idea as well. Copybooks and folders are NOT a substitute for this. The ability to rearrange material in your binder will be essential while the course progresses.

  2. Work in pencil on tests, quizzes, bell work and homework.

  3. As per school policy, you are required to have a Ti83/84 series graphing calculator.

  4. Do not throw out any graded assignments. If there is a discrepancy between your records and mine, you need to produce any graded assignments to resolve it.


  1. Homework will be assigned almost every night.

  2. Homework Assignments are on Google Classroom. What is written there is the final say of homework assignments and I will refer to it adjudicate any discrepancies that arise based on what is written there.

  3. Write your name, date and task number and assignment description on each homework assignment.

  4. All work involving graphing is to be done on graph paper unless otherwise specified.

  5. Lateness on all homework will be penalized the following way. Note that all assignments are turned in via Google Classroom or Google Forms so that your submission is time stamped.

  • up to 24 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 90%

  • 24 to 48 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 80%

  • 48 to 72 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 70%

  • more than 72 hours late- the grade is zero and cannot be made up; it is recommended that you complete the assignment anyway to place a premium on the learning of the material

  1. Homework can fall into 3 subcategories: unchecked, checked, and collected.

    1. Unchecked Homework

      1. Homework that is expected to be completed but does not directly impact your grade due to the fact that is unscored. You are expected to do it and keep in in order in your binder appropriately. It may be asked for at a later date. If you cannot produce it, it will be considered not done. Saying you did it and cannot find it will not be given consideration as such.

    2. Checked For Effort Homework

      1. Zero points are given for unsatisfactory or incomplete homework.

      2. One or Two points are given for mostly completed homework.

      3. Three points are awarded for satisfactorily completed homework.

      4. Homework that is awarded zero or one point can be completed for one additional point within one day of the date it was graded. It is your responsibility to show it to me within this time frame to receive credit.

      5. Your lowest checked homework grade for the marking period is dropped.

    3. Graded For Accuracy Homework

      1. Varying points will be awarded for homework that is checked for accuracy.

      2. I will often pick a random number of problems and grade them for accuracy when I collect homework.

Lateness to Class

  • Even virtually, we are required to take attendance in classes that we deem synchronous. Your presence at the scheduled time is expected and required. It will be noted.

Grading Policies

  • Points will be accumulated through a series of homework, tests and quizzes.

  • Your marking period grade will be determined by the following formula.

(Points Earned / Possible Points) * 100

  • After being rounded to the nearest whole number, your numeric average for each of the marking periods and the year will be converted to a letter grade in the following manner

End of Marking Period Grades

90-100 → A






Less than 65→F

· Your final grade for the course will be computed by the following formula.

40% of MP1(or3) Grade + 40% of MP2(or4) Grade + 8% of Midterm + 12% of Final Exam = Final Grade

This is subject to change if it is decided administratively if exams or the midterm fall under some extraordinary circumstance.

Grading Category Key

Our grading system does not allow us to directly name the categories that appear in HAC. Please keep the following in mind when reading HAC.

When the category is called :

  • HOMEWORK these scores given to HOMEWORK assignments but only the ones graded out of effort for 3 points.

  • TEST these are really TEST scores given for Unit Test Assessments, there is one per unit (roughly 3 per marking period)

  • QUIZ these are really QUIZ scores given on quizzes within the unit, most of which build up to unit tests

  • ASSIGNMENT these are scores given to materials that contain content GRADED FOR ACCURACY that is within the unit

  • CLASSWORK these are scores given to assignments that might not be problem sets. They might be Edpuzzles, Diagrams or Slide presentation or Videos you make

  • PARTICIPATION these are scores given for assignments in your FEEDBACK Journal

  • OBSERVATION these are scores given to Notebook Checks


Although earning a passing grade for the course (65% or more) will secure a graduation credit, it is a departmental policy that you need to earn a minimum of a C (70%) for a course grade to qualify for enrollment in Pre-Calculus with Trigonometry.

Tests and Quizzes

  • Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance.

  • If you miss a quiz/test review due to absence and return for the day of the quiz/test, you will be given any missed review materials. You must make the test up at your next study hall, available lunch, before or after school within a two day period of your return to school. You must email me a google calendar appointment request within 24 hours of your return to school. Extended absences will be given consideration for extensions beyond this on a case by case basis.

Extra Credit

Extra credit may be offered at the discretion of the instructor and is rare at that. Extra credit is not offered to students who have not completed the regular credit work to the teacher’s satisfaction.