
Good Apps to Have on Your Phone and Devices

  • Google Classroom

  • Google Drive

  • Google Docs

  • Google Slides

  • Google Sheets

Email & Classroom Website

  1. I maintain this website for the class. In addition, we will be using Google Classroom as well. You should bookmark this site in all of your devices.

  2. I can be reached by email at Tom_Vizza@sdst.org. I prefer to be reached by email.

  3. You are expected to provide me with an alternative email other than your school account if you so want me to direct email to you. You are expected to check your email and google classroom daily.

Expectations & Classroom Procedures

  1. All materials for the class are hole-punched. They are expected to be kept in chronological order or reverse chronological order.

  2. Please be seated with your homework on your desk when class begins. Complete any assigned bell work while I check hw.

  3. As per school policy, you are required to have a Ti83/84 series graphing calculator.

  4. Do not throw out any graded assignments. If there is a discrepancy between your records and mine, you need to produce any graded assignments to resolve it.

  5. Please refrain from using my dedicated computer or the SMART Board without permission.

  6. Please refrain from using the classroom phone or your cell phone. This is your only warning.

  7. Please do not access your Chromebook without direction or permission. When we do make use of it, you are to have all tabs other than the ones I require closed.


Homework will be given nightly. Students are responsible for recording their homework/referencing the Google Classroom page and/or their Google calendar. If homework is missed, it can be turned in for partial credit. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit assignments. All homework, quizzes, projects, in class assignments are expected to be of the student’s own composition.


Homework is an integral part of the daily educational program as it enhances classroom instruction through the practice, application, and reinforcement of learning in order to extend knowledge and skills. It assists students in understanding and reviewing class work, improves the understanding of key curricular skills and concepts, and assesses if these skills and concepts have been mastered. Additionally, homework performance informs teacher instruction by alerting the teacher to student success and needs.

Completion of assignments helps students to develop good study skills and work habits by promoting personal responsibility, time management, and independent thinking. It develops critical thinking skills, enables higher levels of thinking, and fosters creativity.


Lateness on all homework will be penalized the following way. Note that all assignments are turned in via Google Classroom or Google Forms so that your submission is time stamped.

  • up to 24 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 90%

  • 24 to 48 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 80%

  • 48 to 72 hours late - you earned points are multiplied by 70%

  • Beyond 72 hours - Students may turn in homework for 50% credit prior to the unit assessment. After the assessment, no credit will be given.

Homework can fall into 3 subcategories: unchecked, checked, and collected.

    1. Unchecked Homework

  • Homework that is expected to be completed but does not directly impact your grade due to the fact that is unscored. I will make a note of the fact if you have done it or not. These scores will be kept in the observation category. That category has not weight in my grade book.

    1. Checked Homework

      • Zero points are given for unsatisfactory or incomplete homework.

      • One point is awarded for mostly completed homework.

      • Two points are awarded for satisfactorily completed homework.

      • Homework that is awarded zero or one point can be completed for one additional point within one day of the date it was graded. It is your responsibility to show it to me within this time frame to receive credit.

    2. Collected Homework

      • Varying points will be awarded for homework that is checked for accuracy.

      • I will often pick a random number of problems and grade them for accuracy when I collect homework.

      • Lateness on collected homework is penalized at my discretion.

Lateness to Class

  • When the bell rings, I shut the door. Without a pass you are marked late if you arrive after the bell. You need to bring a legitimate pass to be excused from lateness otherwise. Three instances of lateness can result in a teacher detention. Additional instances will be referred to the administration if needed.

Grading Policies

  • Points will be accumulated through a series of homework, tests and quizzes.

  • Your marking period grade will be determined by the following formula.

(Points Earned / Possible Points) * 100

  • After being rounded to the nearest whole number, your numeric average for each of the marking periods and the year will be converted to a letter grade in the following manner

End of Marking Period Grades

90-100 → A






Less than 65→F

· Your final grade for the course will be computed by the following formula.

40% of MP1(or3) Grade + 40% of MP2(or4) Grade + 8% of Midterm + 12% of Final Exam = Final Grade

Tests and Quizzes

  • Tests and quizzes will be announced in advance.

  • If you miss a quiz/test review due to absence and return for the day of the quiz/test, you will be given any missed review materials. You must make the test up at your next study hall, available lunch, before or after school within a two day period of your return to school. You must email me a google calendar appointment request within 24 hours of your return to school. Extended absences will be given consideration for extensions beyond this on a case by case basis.

Extra Credit

Extra credit may be offered at the discretion of the instructor and is rare at that. Extra credit is not offered to students who have not completed the regular credit work to the teacher’s satisfaction.