Week 4:  2/19

unraveling the Cloud


Review from last week (Devices) 

Reminder emails

Reminder Discussion Board

Discuss some basic Zoom etiquette


Discussion and Hands on



Did you miss the class?  You can view Tuesday's recording here.

What is the Cloud?

The cloud is like a vast digital library on the Internet where your data (photos, music, documents) is stored on powerful computers called servers. Imagine a physical folder where you keep papers, but it's online and can hold anything digital.

How does it work? When you put your data in the cloud, you can access it from any device with internet access. You don't keep the files on your device unless you choose to download them. This saves space on your device and ensures you can access your data anywhere, anytime.

The cloud doesn't care if you're using a PC, a Mac, a tablet, or a smartphone. It works with all devices, making it easy to access your apps and data no matter what device you're using.

Examples of the cloud include businesses (Amazon, Albertsons), email servers (Google, Yahoo), government agencies (Medicare, Health and human services), websites, social networks like Instagram, data storage sites like Dropbox, entertainment services like Netflix and many more.

How do we use the cloud?

We use the cloud every day, often without even thinking about it.  We use it to do things such as:

·        Store everything from music to documents without using up your device's storage.

·        Access or stream your files anywhere you have Internet access.

·        Keep your software up to date automatically, without needing to do anything.

·        Access entertainment (music, podcasts, movies)

·        Backup for your computer

·        To remember things using services like the online calendar, note programs and reminders

·        For necessity, convenience, and speed (quick access to AAA, online banking, your online wallet, shopping and medical information)

·        Communication via email, texts and social media

Hands-On Exploration: What cloud services do you use on your different devices? (e.g., smartphones, online banking, social media). Are there some devices which you use more for specific things (such as usually just using the phone for social networks, the computer for banking?) This discussion helps you to realize how the cloud fits in to your daily lives and how you use it each day. 

Key concepts of the cloud

When describing the cloud, we should realize that the cloud is one site on the Internet.  These concepts apply to this one site.  In a few moments, we will tackle the Internet, which organizes all these sites together.

Data:  All of the information on the cloud is kept in folders.  Each individual piece of data is a file.  It is arranged as the files and folders are arranged on your computer (Finder or Windows Explorer). Another way to picture how data is arranged is by thinking about your filing cabinet in the office.  Inside that cabinet are folders (such as utilities, home, personal).  And inside the folders are files (your gas bill, receipts from home improvement, your medical  information).

Server:  A server is a computer or system that provides services which relate to the data.  For example, a server may host a website, store files, send files when requested and more.  Each of the clouds will use a particular server, meaning that there are potentially millions of them.  Examples include large companies like Google, Microsoft and Amazon as well as smaller businesses, websites created by businesses or individuals, and organizations such as government agencies and private companies. 

Digital formats:  The files are saved in a particular form, based on what they are.  For example, a music file may be saved as a MP3 file, and a picture file may be a jpeg file.  When downloaded to your device from the cloud, your device notices what format the file is and will use the operating system to open in the desired program.

Usernames and passwords:  Each cloud will have a unique username and password which identifies you as a user.  This may be an email address or a “handle”.  You may use the same username for multiple clouds, but you should always choose a unique password.

What about password managers?  Why should I use them?  (Short 3 minute video)

What can you do with the data on a cloud?

What are some things you can do with the data?

Download it:  Downloading is taking data from the cloud and moving it to your device.  An example is a book from Amazon.  If you want to read it without being connected to the Internet, you will first go to the Amazon cloud and select the book.  After paying for it, you will then download it to your device.  Because it is through Amazon, it will probably prompt you to download it to your Kindle app, although you can choose to download it to another site on your device.

Uploading it:  Uploading is taking data from your device and sending it to the cloud.  An example of this would be attaching a picture from your device to your text.  To do this, you will use the image file located on your device (the picture) and you will upload it to your messaging app.  A copy of the picture will then be stored on the messaging app which can then be accessed by the recipient. 

View it:  The most basic way to use the data is to view it.  An example is email.  In most cases, the email is stored on a cloud like Google or Microsoft.  When you open your email program, you download the emails to your device.  The emails are downloaded as they are viewed, meaning that as you scroll, you are seeing more emails.  When you close the email program, the emails will go back to the cloud. 

Stream it:  You can also stream the data, which means that it is downloaded in small chunks in the order that it is sent.  An example of this is Netflix.   You begin by connecting to Netflix with your username and password.  You will then select a movie and play it.  Once you click on play, the movie begins to download to your device in small packets.  Each packet is sequential.  In some cases, if your internet connection is bad, or if the packets are larger than you can process, you will experience a disruption known as buffering.  Buffering is when the video pauses to load more of it ahead of time so it can play smoothly without stopping or getting choppy.  On your end, you may see a loading symbol or message on the screen.  It may be a spinning circle, a progress bar or a message  indicating that it is loading or buffering.  Playback will resume when enough data has been loaded.   

Video: In this video, we learn a little more about Netflix and why some movies stream faster than others.  

What is the cloud?  Here is a 3  minute data which explains it, and also addresses some of the challenges.  Nice intro to our class!

Same  idea, but a little more entertaining.

Components of the Internet

How does the Internet fit in to the concept of the cloud?  Here are the components which make up the Internet:

Internet:  The largest network of connected servers in the world. So many websites!  How do we find these websites on different servers?  Using a search engine of course! 

Websites:  Websites are a collection of web pages and related content which are identified by a common domain name.  And most websites have their own “cloud” (server) where their information is kept.

Search engines:  Sites which help you to locate files on the Internet.  They can be built into a browser, or they can be standalone.  Will be discussed in the upcoming class on web browsers.

Web browsers:  Web browsers are software that allows us to access, retrieve and view content of data stored on the different clouds.  We will learn more when we discuss web browsers in a future class.

URL:  An URL (Uniform resource locator) is the address of a specific web page or file on the internet.  It is the physical address of the site.  Note that there is a lot of information included in the URL.  Like your computer’s filing system, the web also includes folders and files. 

Domain names:  A domain name identifies the website and makes it easier for users to find the website.  Websites are stored by IP addresses, which can be a long string of numbers.  A business or website will buy a domain name which will then be linked to the IP address, creating a human-friendly shortcut.

Domain name server:  We have seen that domain names are human-friendly shortcuts which we can use to find files.  To translate that domain name into an IP address, the Internet uses “Domain name servers”.  These are special servers whose main purpose is to find the IP address to the site of the domain name listed.  This is a very crucial step in the process. 

·        If a domain name server goes down (as it sometimes does), you will see an error while connecting.  The message may say something like DNS Server Not Responding or “This site can’t be reached” or “The server cannot be found”.  If you aren’t sure if it is your Internet connection, you can try entering another URL into the browser.  If you can connect to some sites, the fault is probably in the domain name server. 

·        If instead, your error message reads “You’re not connected to the Internet” or “Unable to connect” or “Safari can’t open the page”  or something similar, it is probably your Internet connection.  Try restarting your router.  (Turn it all the way off, wait 20 seconds and then turn it back on).

Talking about URLS

An URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the physical address of a website and is used to help the server locate your file.  They are important because they simplify the process for you when you want to find a website.  Here is how an URL operates:

Learn more about URLs in this short video by GCFLearnFree.

Where is https://?

On most modern browsers, you will not see https:// unless you copy and paste the URL onto another site or page.  You will see some type of symbol which, when clicked, will tell you that this is a secure site (https) and information about how your data is used. In this example below, we are clicking on the two circle-line images which tell us the domain name (chat.openai.com) as well as information on the security, cookies and site data and site settings.  You can click on the forward arrow next to “connection is secure” to see more.

When clicking on the forward arrow next to “connection is secure” I can see that it is a safe site, and I can even view the certificate which proves it.

Example of an url:  

In this example, you can see the domain name (domain.com) and the 1st forward slash, followed by 3 folders (subfolders) and the file (which stands alone).  Many websites will arrive on a webpage and not an individual file. 


Here is an actual URL going just to a webpage (Outreach) on a domain (sdcce)


·        In this URL, you see that the domain name is sdcce.edu. 

·        After the 1st forward slash, you will then begin to see subfolders.

o   There is a subfolder within the domain called “services”.

o   There is a subfolder within the “services” folder called “outreach”

o   This URL takes you to the page which describes outreach services

In this example, we identified “services” and “outreach” as subfolders located in the sdcce.edu domain.  

However, a domain may include a subdomain.  This exists at the same level as the domain but may contain its own subfolders.  It may also host different apps, services, or sections of that larger site. 

For example:

drive.google.com refers to the subdomain (Google drive) which is part of the domain (google.com). Note that google.com is the domain.

The order of the grouping is crucial.  Anything accessing Google should have google.com in its URL. 

·        If you were to see google.drive.com, you would not be accessing Google Drive.  In this case, you are requesting the domain name drive.com. Since this is not a domain, you will end up on an error page.  (Try this out!)

·        Some sites will use this to trick users into going to a bad website which main contain malware or it may be phishing for information from you.  We will discuss this further when we do the online safety class.


Chrome is a web browser owned by Google.  When you want to find the Chrome web browser so that you can use it on your device, you will go to a websearch to “download Chrome”.  Here, you will see several options which have google.com as the domain.  They include:

·        Google.com/chrome

·        Chrome.google.com/

In both situations, you will arrive at the page to download Chrome.  You may find that your URL has been changed to google.com/chrome/.  (Try this out!)

But some sites will try to include Chrome and even google in the URL.  This may be done to trick you into going to a non Google domain to find the web browser for Chrome.  If google.com is not seen just before the first forward slash, it is not on the google domain.  

Some examples of non-google domains

·        Chrome.en.softonic.com/chrome  (domain name is softonic.com)

·        Google-chrome.en.uptodown.com/windows/ (domain name is uptodown.com)

·        Google-chrome-pantas-selamat.en.aptoide.com/ (domain name is aptoide.com)

In this case, you cannot be sure that the app you are downloading is updated, free of malware, and what you are looking for.

An URL going to a file

In some cases, a URL will connect you to a file, which you can then download and/or print.  While searching online, if you specify PDF to a search, you may end up with a similar link.  I went to google and searched for how to organize files on my computer pdf.  I was requesting that the server find all pdf files on the Internet that are about organizing files.  Here is an example of one of those sites:


·        The domain name is amazonaws.com

·        There is a folder on the server next to the domain name called core-docs.s3.  This is a subdomain of amazonaws.com and is housed on the amazonaws.com domain.

·        The folder “documents” is a subfolder found in the core-docs folder on the amazonaws domain.

·        The folder “asset” is a subfolder of “documents” which is located on the subdomain of core-docs and contains all assets related to the subdomain (core docs)

·        The folder “uploaded file” is a subfolder of “assets”, which is a subfolder of documents which is a subfolder of the subdomain core-docs.s3.  This folder contains documents uploaded for this site.

·        The folder 929132 identifies where this file will be found.  It is a subfolder of uploaded files, which is a subfolder of asset, which is a subfolder of documents, which are all located on the subdomain of core-docs.s3, located on the amazonaws.com domain.

·        The file is called organizing_file.pdf.   Note that when  you get to this location, you can download or print the document. 

·        In summary, the file (organizing_file.pdf) is found in the subfolder 929132, which is found in the subfolder “uploaded_file”, which is found in the subfolder “asset”, found in the subfolder of documents, which is found in the subdomain folder of core-docs.s3, located on the amazonaws.com domain.

Understanding URL in relationship to finding a book in your home:

You are looking for a book in your home.  You know what room it is in.  Here is how to break down where the book is while using some of the ideas from the URL lesson:

·        Your home is your domain.  You keep your door locked.   So the first part of your URL leading to the book is:  https:// your home

·        Your home has multiple floors.  We need to go to the right floor to get to the book.  Your URL is now:  https://yourhome/firstfloor

·        The room where your book is located is the office.  Your URL is now:  https://yourhome/firstfloor/office

·        You go into the office and find your book.  This is the file that you are looking for.  Here is your final URL:  https://yourhome/firstfloor/office/yourbook

What about subdomains when looking for your book?  Let’s say that you have a garage attached to your home.  And let’s say that the book you want is located in the garage. And in this case, there are multiple areas of the garage.  Let’s break down how to find the book which is in the garage of your home and is on the shelves on the left side.

·        Your garage is a subdomain of your home.  You can find that subdomain in one of two places: 

o   https://mygarage.myhome/

o   OR https://myhome/mygarage

·        You are now in your garage.  Your garage is divided into two rooms: the carport and the tool shed.  Your book is in the tool shed.  The URL is now:  https://myhome/mygarage/toolshed  (or it can be https://mygarage.myhome/toolshed)

·        But where in the tool shed?  There are two main sections which can have your book.  The right area (where the tools are kept) and the left area (where your boxes of books are stored).  In this case, it is on the left area.  Your URL is now: https://myhome/mygarage/toolshed/leftarea

·        But that left area has lots of shelves.  Maybe you want to stipulate which shelf it is on.  https://myhome/mygarage/toolshed/leftarea/firstshelf

·        Now you can find the book.  The URL of the book is:  https://myhome/mygarage/toolshed/leftarea/firstshelf/mybook

Putting it all together

Putting it all together:

·        The cloud refers to the vast library of servers located throughout the world.  This network is referred to as the Internet

·        If we want to find data on the servers, we use a search engine.

·        When we want to access data, we use a web browser. 

·        The request for this data is referred to as an URL, which contains detailed information on how to access this file on the server

·        If you have information stored on this particular site,  you will have a unique username and password.  Only you can see these files.  If there is no username and password, you are viewing public files.

·        Our data may come in different formats.  The format decides the program on your device that opens it.

·        Once you have accessed this file, you can do one of four things:  Download data from this site to your device, Upload data from your device to the site, View the data from the site on your device or Stream the data from the site on your device

Hands on activities (for in class or online work)

Hands-On Activities

1.      Exploring Cloud Services: Locate, demonstrate, show storage

·         Google Drive:  Demonstrate how to set up a Google Drive and how to create, upload, and share a file. This practical exercise helps demystify the cloud and shows its usefulness.

·         Demonstrate iCloud :  How to find your cloud settings on your iPhone or Mac, how to view the files on your device, and how to find your cloud from any web browser using icloud.com

·         Demonstrate OneDrive:  How to find it on your Windows computer.  How it integrates with your file explorer.  How it may be automatically uploading files. 

2.      Downloading vs. Streaming

·         Practice downloading a file to a device from the cloud service, then try streaming music or video. This demonstrates the difference between keeping a file on your device and accessing it directly from the cloud.

·         Practice uploading a file to a drive or a program. Example:  a picture to Instagram, change your profile picture on an account, upload your document to Dropbox

3.      Practical examples:

·        Online shopping: Shop on a site hosted on a server.  Pay from your bank located on another server.  Ship from a service hosted on another server.

·        Uploading photos:  Set up for automatic uploading of pictures to Google or iCloud.  Note that you can do this on all devices or just one device.

·        Map apps:  Uses data from multiple clouds such GPS, real time traffic data, and links to communication for friends through the app.  Each of these are done on separate servers and combined for one experience. Demonstrate.

4.      Safe Cloud Practices

·         Discuss and practice creating strong passwords and include the advantages and disadvantages of a password manager.  Include newer methods like passcodes and biometric identification.

·         Highlight the importance of updating software on devices to protect your data on the cloud.

·         Include tips for safe cloud usage, like not clicking on suspicious links and using secure passwords.

·         Encourage sharing of experiences and solutions via the discussion board or email.

Post-Class Activity:

not included in lesson

Closer look at the Apple Cloud

iCloud is the backup service for all Apple devices.  It stores the device backups, contacts, photos and other media.  It helps sync those files across the Apple Devices.  To find iCloud and iCloud Drive information, go to:  Settings> Apple ID bar (at the top of the page)>iCloud.  You can see how much storage you currently are using, and you can then manage the storage by tapping on “manage storage” and tapping on any of the apps listed.  For most of them, you can choose to disable and delete the app to erase data.

iCloud comes with 5 GB storage, but more can be purchased. The iCloud backup only stores information and settings on your device.  it does not include information stored on the iCloud, such as contacts, calendars, bookmarks, mail, notes, voice memos, iCloud photos, health data, call history and files stored on iCloud Drive.  You can enable these in settings for iCloud.

Also stored on the Apple cloud are productivity files that you have created through pages, numbers and Keynote.  There are Apple services that provide movies and entertainment, music, podcasts and books.  Your Apple Pay information is stored on the cloud, and it has Siri as your personal assistant.  The Apple TV is a product you can purchase to stream media from your device to your computer. 

Those who have iPads/iPhones and/or Mac computers would find it most helpful.  You might take advantage of Apple Pay.  If you own or rent movies or books on Apple services, iCloud is most useful.

Apple Summary

Watch the Video:  The Apple iCloud

Closer look at the Microsoft Cloud

The Microsoft cloud is called OneDrive.  The username would have a domain as live.com, Hotmail.com or outlook.com.   It is found on your Windows 10 device, although it can be installed as an app on other devices.  It provides quick access to Microsoft tools like Word, PowerPoint and Excel, using the 9 square icon.  The Microsoft cloud only offers movies at this time (no books), and does not offer a digital money service.  Cortana is the virtual assistant.

You have 5 GB of storage for your Microsoft OneDrive account (and can purchase additional storage).  One Drive is most useful if you use Microsoft office and want access to these files from any device.

Microsoft Summary

Watch the video:  Microsoft OneDrive

Closer look at the Google Cloud

The Google cloud is called Google Drive.  Your Google account username would end in gmail.com.  Having a gmail account allows you access to all of the Google services.  It has its own productivity set of tools (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.).  It has a generous supply of movies, music and books, all that can be rented or bought through Google Play.  It offers a digital money service (Google Pay), and has a personal assistant (Hey Google).  It has its own streaming device (Chromecast) which can be used if you want to stream media and you do not have a smart TV. 

It comes with 15 GB of storage per account.  It is most useful if you tend to take advantage to all of the services offered by Google (YouTube, Maps, Google Photos, Google sites).  It works seamlessly between services, meaning that data from one source (gmail for example) would be used to enhance another source (calendar). 

Google Drive

Watch the video:  Google Drive

Additional cloud services worth mentioning 

Amazon:  It is a store.  It is a place to rent media.  It is a music streaming service.  And the personal assistant (Alexa) has access to everything you have.  It keeps track of all of this in one spot, the Amazon cloud.  It can be free, but paying a monthly or yearly free can get you things like enhanced music and entertainment options, free shipping and more.  Truly one of the best deals around. 

Storing documents and photos:  Besides the big 3, there are services just for storing documents.  These services are great if you are collaborating with others, and want an easy way to share.  Putting a document on these services creates a link which can then be shared with others (like the big 3 cloud services).  Two examples are Dropbox and Evernote.

Continuous backup:  If you want your device backed up automatically to the cloud, there are services which offer this.  For a yearly fee, they will automatically scan your device for changes in your hard drive, and will transfer these data changes back to the cloud.  If anything were to happen to your device or hard drive, you could quickly restore it.  Some examples are iDrive, Backblaze and Carbonite.

Additional activities to try

Compare the basics of four clouds

Briefly show and demonstrate the basics of the the three major clouds:  Apple, Google, Microsoft .  Demonstrate storage, productivity tools and native apps.

Demonstrate real time collaboration using Google Drive

 Find out how much storage you have on iCloud and Google Drive:

   For iCloud, go to a device and enter iCloud.com, your username and account.  Or from your phone, click iCloud>Manage storage.

   For Google, Go to your Google Drive account.  Look on the left navigation under storage.

Demonstrate how to set up Google Photos to upload photos automatically:

From your mobile device: Download the Google Photos app and sign in.  Follow the prompts to start uploading pictures.  Choose High Quality as the upload size (reduced file size). 

From your computer: Go to photos.google.com and click on settings (next to the 9 squares).  Note other sharing possibilities (partner, suggestions, grouping similar faces, etc.)

Demonstrate and discuss how to delete Google photos from device and/or the cloud

Here are some ways to delete Google photos from your device and/or the cloud

Demonstrate how to delete photos from iCloud and/or phone

 Demonstrate cloud-based services like Calendar and reminder

 Note that you can make a change on one device and see on the other

Apple based services will use the app on your Apple device (iPad/iPhone, Mac).   To add a non-Apple service to a calendar or reminder, you would add the account in SETTINGS.  This is important if you are sharing between Apple, Windows and Android. 

If you like your non-Apple service better (Google calendar for example), you would download the app to use.  You can download onto an iPhone or Android.