Mac (Apple) Spring 2024

04/01/2024 - 05/04/2024

Introduction to the Mac (Apple) computer

About this course

This five week course will introduce you to the Mac computer and the Mac Operating system.  There is so much to learn that it cannot be accomplished in one five week class.  Instead, we are using the official Mac guide to guide our lessons.  I would recommend that you put this guide on your web browser for quick reference.  

Link to the Mac Guide (operating system):

Link to the Apple website with all manuals 

Weekly classes

Below are the handouts and presentations for each of the classes.  You can "pop them out" by clicking on them, and then selecting the box with an arrow.  They will then open in their own page on your browser.  You can use your browser settings to enlarge the text (ask me how) or you can select the function key (FN) with the "+" sign on your keyboard (ask me how).  You can then view them, print them out and/or save them to your device.

Week 1: Getting Started

Week 1 presentation Spring 24.pdf
Week 1 handout.pdf

Week 2: Mac Basics and Apple ID and the Cloud

lesson2 presentation sp24.pdf
Lesson 2 handout.pdf

Week 3: Everything apps and customizing your Mac

Lesson 3 presentation sp 24.pdf
Lesson 3 handout .pdf

Week 4: Productivity and Communicating

Week 4 presentation sp 24.pdf
lesson 4 handout.pdf

Week 5: Entertainment and security

Lesson 5 presentation sp 24.pdf
Lesson 5 handout.pdf