Winter Trees

Please enjoy the slideshow inquiry "Winter Trees," created by Ojibwe Artist Isaac Murdoch and Educator Jodie Williams. Follow the instructions in the slideshow. Click the words "Winter Trees" below to begin the slideshow. Then, scroll down for more ideas and resources to learn about winter trees.

Winter Trees Photo Gallery

Find Out More! Click the arrow for more ideas.

Video: Trees that Never Lose Their Leaves! What evergreens do you notice in your yard or neighbourhood? How does the shiny coating on the evergreen needles help the tree? Where do evergreens grow?

Craft: Pinecone Bird Feeder: Here's a website to help you identify any birds you see on your birdfeeder!

Art: Winter Tree Project:

LEGO: Can you build a LEGO snowflake? No two are alike:

Outside Treasure Hunt: Use all your senses to complete this Winter Treasure Hunt! Print off a list of things to find here:

In the Kitchen: Make a Snowman Snack with rice cakes, cream cheese, raisins, and veggies. How can you make yours unique?

Want more stories and

The Wish Tree

by Kyo Maclear

How a Snowflake is Formed

by Wild Kratts

All About Winter

by Mr. Corder's Kids Book Readalouds