ISHI: Simple Tips from a Solid Friend by Akiko Yabuki

Have you felt sad, lonely, or frustrated during this time at home?

ISHI the Rock feels that way too sometimes, but always finds a way to turn those feelings around. ISHI shows us how to choose happiness, even when it's hard.

Listen to the story read by Ms. McNee from North Saanich Middle School, and follow the steps to create your own ISHI rock and picture.

We would like to find out how you choose happiness like ISHI.

You can make your own ISHI rock creation. Find a good rock and a marker. Draw a happy face on one side, and a different feeling face on the other side.

Think about the different things that help you feel better when you feel stuck, sad, bored, or blue.

Then make a sentence like:

When I feel ____________________, I _______________________ and then I feel happy.

Sometimes I feel ____________________. Then I remember that _____________________ and I feel better.

Here are some examples from #BeLikeIshi to get you started.

Share your creation with Mrs. Bales at by Friday, May 29:

You can take a photo, make a video, make a stop-motion, draw or paint a picture, use a video creation app or use any other creative idea to share your ISHI. Imaginations are welcome!

Please DON'T include yourself in your photo or video. Please DO include only your first name in your photo if you want to. This helps keep you safe online.

I will post your creations here for others to enjoy and learn from.

Maybe someone will try your idea to feel happy!

Ideas inspired by the author Akiko Yabuki (Ishi - A Solid Friend), and local educators Darcy McNee and Cari Wilson (#BeLikeIshi). Thank-you to Ms. McNee for sharing her read-aloud video with us.

Check out their websites to find out more.