The Ask

PrivaSearch is a startup that has recognized the significant effort and expertise that the University of Texas at Austin, Center for Identity (UT CID) team has put into its privacy-enhancing technology, PrivacyCheck. In fact, PrivacyCheck is an exemplar for PrivaSearch as a viable product. So, PrivaSearch would like to ask UT CID for support in its future. For PrivaSearch to move to building its freemium product I ask for the UT CID team to work with my team, the PrivaSearch software development team and myself, to help bring PrivaSearch to fruition. UT CID's team would work with PrivaSearch's team to extend their tool, PrivacyCheck. This should take about a month to get things up and running. Perhaps to extend PrivaSearch even further into its premium product it would take more time since PrivacyCheck does not already have this software included.