Pain Point

Technology in education is not only prominent in many 21st century classrooms, but ever more visible now that many classes have gone online, or at least have been forced online at some point during the global pandemic. As a consequence, teachers scramble to connect with their students remotely, and the potential of technology is central in their hope. However, with this great power comes great responsibility, and this is where PrivaSearch offers direction. PrivaSearch makes the vetting of EdTech products based on how they score on their policy privacy much more user friendly. Teachers often do not have time to read through these policies, and if they do not read through them carefully they could put their students' online privacy at risk. Districts also need to know what EdTech products their teachers are using, and whether the adopted EdTech products are, in fact, what they deem as safe. Therefore, PrivaSearch helps districts oversee this major safety concern through PrivaSearch's premium product.