Changing World of Work

Changing World of Work Assignment Checklist

Complete, post, and publish all Job Hunt unit assignments by [DUE: ] (25 marks)

      • Lifelong Learning Reflection (5 marks)

      • Mindset Reflection(5 marks)

      • Core Values Reflection (5 marks)

      • Vision Board (20 Marks)

      • Future World of Work Project (20 marks)

Impacts on the World of Work

Watch the video at left. These robots don't all have practical applications yet, but companies like Boston Dynamics develop the technology knowing that other companies will be automating their businesses. The idea is for other companies to find the purposes for the robots.

How might these robots change the industry you will be entering after Post-Secondary training?

Watch the video at left. In what ways has solving an environmental problem become an opportunity for job creation? What are the benefits and drawbacks to creating jobs by solving problems?

The article at left is about an ad for Gillette Men's products. Read the article. In what ways do social movements, shifting values, politics, and economics affect the way businesses operate? How might this impact careers and opportunities for workers? How do you think businesses manage their brand and image to best meet their audience? Do you think businesses should have an increasing role as a cultural conscience (will they help shape our attitudes and behaviours) in the future?

How to economic changes affect people differently? The article at left discusses ways in which the oil industry is impacted by economic changes, such as the decrease in the value of oil. One interesting issue is that when oil companies reduce the size of their workforce, it affects men more so than women. What impact might this have on the lives of individuals and their families? What can they do to adjust to economic impacts and be prepared for the inevitable changes of resource value?

Will your career field be automated?

The site below is a quick reference for researching the possibility that your career field of choice will be automated. It is not a reliable source, but could be the starting point for some further research into the risk that your career choice will be automated in the future.

Lifelong Learning & Professional Development

If the world of work changes frequently and dramatically, those who don't adjust to the changes will be left behind. Lifelong Learning is the idea that we are most likely to live rewarding lives and be prepared for changes in the workforce if we continue to grow and learn throughout our lives. The website at left has a ton of interesting information about how to develop and grow over time.


Read the article at left. What is lifelong learning? How will it benefit you in the workforce? How might it lead to a more fulfilled life? What is one thing you'd love to learn just for your own interest and satisfaction?

Changing World of Work Assignment

Changing World of Work research assignment

Research the changing world of work. Complete the assignment at left.It will give you insight into some of the ways in which the word is changing and how it has affected the working world. If you know where the world will be in five years, you will be able to position yourself with training and experience to ensure that you will be a strong candidate when the time comes.

Mindset Reflection: /5

What is a growth mindset?

Do you have a fixed or growth mindset, explain in detail?

How does having a growth mindset connect to future careers?

Core Values Reflection: /5

Write a reflection naming your top five core values and why they are important to you. Explain how knowing what your core values are will help you with your future careers?

Visualize your Future:

Complete the assignment below and add it to your website

CLE 11- Vision Board Assignment