Building Capacity

Through Professional Learning

Adaptive Expertise

A culture of Adaptive Expertise will enhance staff curiosity and an inquiry mindset. The questioning of our routines, evidence, and assumptions will lead us to being more responsive to the particular needs of the students in front of us. We will constantly seek new knowledge and understanding, actively explore alternative solutions, think evaluatively and check impact, welcome different perspectives, and act transformatively.

Site Based, Job Embedded Systems

  • Learning Teams of Teachers

  • Collaborative Models of Support

  • Learning Rounds

  • Learning Practice Communities

Learning Teams of teachers will be able to observe each other, collaborate, support and be invigorated by learning together. ‘Learning Rounds’ will create opportunities for teacher observations, engagement, and reflection. A system of Collaborative Models of Support will bring teachers together for purposeful dialogue using data to plan invisible, universal interventions for students while also creating job embedded learning for teachers.

Expert Infusion Opportunities

Our educators will be able to attend leading edge learning with change leadership experts. As much as practicable, we will bring these learning opportunities to the district for wider reaching impact.

Inquiry Projects

Groups of teachers on Learning Teams will continue to be supported to engage in inquiry projects together for personal areas of interest related to their own students or school.

In-service Learning

Ongoing in-service opportunities will be provided for ‘just in time’ learning.

Large Group Learning

Each year we will continue to gather for important and timely learning.

Leadership Learning Network

District senior staff and principals/vice principals will continue to participate in a local series of learning sessions to deepen the collective understanding and commitment to supporting teachers and staff through change efforts.