Tier 1 Intervention

Motivational Interviewing

A style of active listening that enhances commitment to positive changes by using empathy and open-ended questions. It empowers students to find their own motivations for change rather than imposing solutions or advice.

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Grade Levels: 

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is appropriate for all grade levels.


MI could help address low motivation/engagement/work completion, but it would also be helpful when addressing disruptive, disrespectful, or noncompliant behavior; peer difficulties; or attendance concerns.

Indicators of Success:

Because MI could be used to address such a variety of concerns, indicators of success will vary. 

For example, if you use MI to address low work completion, you would expect to see the student's rate of work completion increase. 

If you use MI to discuss peer difficulties the student is having, you would expect to observe fewer contentious interactions between the student and their peers.

How does it work?

MI's core skills are OARS:

You use OARS to amplify the student's "change talk" (as opposed to their "sustain talk"). You're working with the student to understand their own problem better and to help them find the internal motivation that they need to find a solution that is realistic for them and one that they’re bought into.

Using Motivational Interviewing to Help Your Students_NEA.pdf