Integrated SEL Instruction

ELA, K-3

This is a bank of activity ideas that embed Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into academic content. These practices can be documented in unit guides, lesson plans, etc. On this page, they are organized under the SEL benchmarks for this grade band.

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K-12.SeA.1: Demonstrates an awareness and understanding of own emotions.

K-3.SeA.1.1: Recognize and label their emotions and feelings.

K-3.SeA.1.2: Identify positive and negative emotions.

K-3.SeA.1.3: Identify emotions related to different situations or events.

K-12.SeA.2: Demonstrates awareness of personal strengths, challenges, aspirations and cultural, linguistic, and community assets.

K-3.SeA.2.1: Describe their personal qualities, such as likes and dislikes, needs and wants, strengths and challenges.

K-3.SeA.2.2: Describe an activity/task in which they may need help in order to be successful.

K-3.SeA.2.3: Identify family, peer, school, community, cultural, and linguistic strengths.

K-12.SeA.3: Demonstrates awareness of personal rights and responsibilities.

K-3.SeA.3.1: Describe what it feels like to feel safe and respected.

K-3.SeA.3.2: Explain positive and negative consequences for their choices and actions.

K-3.SeA.3.3: Demonstrate responsibility in taking care of their own belongings.

K-3.SeA.3.4: Demonstrate responsibility when using others’ belongings, e.g. asking permission and taking care of the belongings.

K-12.SM.1: Demonstrates the skills to manage and express their emotions, thoughts, impulses and stress in effective ways.

K-3.SM.1.1: Demonstrate calming strategies in order to manage emotions, thoughts, impulses and stress.

K-3.SM.1.2: Describe how feelings relate to thoughts and behaviors.

K-3.SM.1.3: Recognize that they have choices in their behaviors.

K-3.SM.1.4: Recognize the importance of not giving up (perseverance).

K-12.SM.2: Demonstrates the skills to set, monitor, adapt, achieve and evaluate goals.

K-3.SM.2.1: Identify personal goals with assistance from an adult.

K-3.SM.2.2: Monitor progress towards personal goals with assistance from an adult.

K-3.SM.2.3: Describe and implement simple steps necessary to achieve short-term goals.

K-3.SM.2.4: Identify personal resources to achieve goals.

K-3.SM.2.5: Demonstrate the ability to receive and act on feedback.

K-12.SoA.1: Demonstrates awareness of and empathy for individuals, their emotions, experiences and perspectives through a cross-cultural lens.

K-3.SoA.1.1: Identify a range of emotional expressions in others, e.g., by facial expression or tone of voice.

K-3.SoA.1.2: Recognize that others may experience situations differently from them.

K-3.SoA.1.3: Anticipate reactions in others in response to a specific situation.

K-12.SoA.2: Demonstrates awareness and respect of groups and their cultures, languages, identities, traditions, values and histories.

K-3.SoA.2.1: Describe ways that people are similar and different.

K-3.SoA.2.2: Describe positive qualities in others.

K-3.SoA.2.3: Use respectful language and actions when dealing with conflict or differences of opinions.

K-12.SoA.3: Demonstrates awareness of how individuals and groups cooperate toward achieving common goals and ideals.

K-3.SoA.3.1: Identify and execute responsibilities that contribute to their classroom.

K-3.SoA.3.2: Identify how they help others, e.g., feed the dog, share, or clean up when asked.

K-3.SoA.3.3: Express how they feel when they help others.

K-12.SoA.4: Demonstrates awareness of external supports and when supports are needed.

K-3.SoA.4.1: Identify an adult they can trust.

K-3.SoA.4.2: Explain situations when students may need help.

K-3.SoA.4.3: Understand how and where to get help in an emergency situation.

K-12.RS.1: Demonstrates a range of communication and social skills to interact effectively.

K-3.RS.1.1: Take turns and share with others.

K-3.RS.1.2: Use facial expressions, body language and tone to effectively communicate thoughts, feelings, emotions and intentions.

K-3.RS.1.3: Practice sharing genuine encouraging comments to support peers.

K-3.RS.1.4: Listen to others when they are speaking.

K-12.RS.2: Cultivates constructive relationships with others.

K-3.RS.2.1: Recognize how various relationships are different.

K-3.RS.2.2: Identify the qualities others, such as friends, have that you would like to see in yourself.

K-3.RS.2.3: Demonstrate ability to develop positive peer relationships based on shared activities/interests.

K-12.RS.3: Identifies and demonstrates approaches to addressing interpersonal conflict.

K-3.RS.3.1: Describe what conflict is and feelings associated with it.

K-3.RS.3.2: Demonstrate understanding of the other’s point of view when there is conflict.

K-3.RS.3.3: Identify potential solutions to the conflict.

K-12.RDM.1: Considers ethical standards, social and community norms and safety concerns in making decisions.

K-3.RDM.1.1: Identify and follow shared bus, classroom and school norms.

K-3.RDM.1.2: Identify and illustrate safe and unsafe behaviors.

K-3.RDM.1.3: Understand that decisions can have positive and negative effects on themselves and others.

K-12.RDM.2: Applies and evaluates decision-making skills to engage in a variety of situations.

K-3.RDM.2.1: Implement "Stop, Think, and Act" strategy when making decisions.

K-3.RDM.2.2: Demonstrate cooperation with social and classroom norms and procedures.

K-3.RDM.2.3: Explain the consequences and rewards of actions on self, other, or group.