
Do students have to "show" you what they know or can do in order for you to assess their learning? Performance-based assessment is important in lab courses like Biology, Chemistry, Allied Health Programs, Nursing and more! Here are some ideas for evolving your traditional performance-based assessments.

  • Have students create an instructional video or a how-to video using a screen casting tool (this works for computer-based performance assessments) such as TechSmith Capture or Screencastomatic.

  • Have students create an instructional video of them performing a task -- most smartphones have a video option on them which can be downloaded onto a computer and uploaded to YouTube. Though most modern laptops/desktops have built in cameras, they can also use inexpensive webcams.

  • Need help with assessing performance? Create an online Canvas rubric!

  • Part of the performance assessment is the learning that occurs afterwards. Have students reflect on the experience through a Blog like Blogger or WordPress.

Jing? What in the world is Jing? It creates Screencasts? What are those? YIKES! Watch the instructional video below to find out more!