
Do you have students research and write for assessment? Well, here are some ideas for adding technology to the writing experience!

  • Have students use Blogger or Wordpress to blog everyday or class session to get in the practice of writing, writing, writing!
  • Use Mindmeister -- a mind-mapping tool for generating and outlining content (students can also collaborate on these mindmaps).
  • Provide YouTube videos that explain the research process
  • Have students use blog search engines to see what "real people" are saying about their topic: or
  • Create a rubric using Canvas Rubrics-- provide this to students and have them grade themselves, or even use it in the next process for peer review....
  • Use Google Docs to write, collaborate and peer review.
  • Use a plagiarism teaching tool to assist with teaching students about citing sources: is available through Canvas.

Research in the 21st Century: This website has a ton of ideas for using technology in every step of the research process. Whether students are writing a paper for the final outcome or not, these ideas help with everything research-related!