
Old faithful....the dreaded exam! Liven up the exam process and turn it into part of the learning process rather than a punitive tool. There are many technologies that can aid in exam preparation and delivery.

Involve the Students

  • If we truly want students to learn from the test...how about we involve them in the test creation? As an assignment, have students create 5-10 questions based on an outline of topics that should be included. Create this outline in a Google Sites wiki that is open to all students -- or even limited to particular groups of students. We know that the best way to learn information is to be able to teach it to someone else. Having them create questions forces them to understand the topics well enough to create a question. Select one question from every student or from a group of students if it's a group assignment.


  • Use the feedback options available in online exams (see Canvas Guide). Often times you can provide students with immediate feedback on questions that they get wrong -- the feedback can steer them in the right direction. The immediacy of the feedback is the important part of the learning process. It grabs their attention before they forget the concept...or even worse, remember the incorrect response.

Mix it Up

  • Keep the integrity of the online testing environment by using test pools in Canvas. This allows you to mix up questions so that each student gets different questions presented in a unique order. Use these instructions to help with quiz groups/question pools.