
Making Art: Paper Sculptures

by Maria Marin & Rymma Gutsul (June 2024)

Paper Sculptures.mp4

In art, we learned how to make sculptures without using tape, scissors, or glue. The important thing is that you have to think in your mind how to make the shape. When you know approximately what you are creating, it’s easier to do that in real life.

When you make paper sculptures with no glue, scissors, or tape, you should do this: First, you need to visualize a figure in your head. Second, you need to make the shape in real life. Third, you might need a little glue, scissors, and tape. It's okay, but you can do without them. Without glue, scissors, and tape, you can make, for example, an airplane or a ship. Also, you can make many different sculptures. The shapes without glue, scissors, and tape are called origami. I think you have heard the word “origami.” Origami means a paper figure or sculpture. Origami is translated from the Japanese language. You can also make different shapes with all the materials (glue, scissors, tape, and more).

After not using the tape, glue, and scissors, we tried to make a sculpture by using them. We used paper as the structure. We used our hands and scissors to cut the paper to make different shapes. For example, I made a dinosaur hat that used two pieces of green paper, and then I connected them with tape. This made the structure stronger so that it would not break. Then I used a Sharpie to make some eyes and a nose.

O'Keefe: Flowers Up Close

by Kimberly Cuahutencosbarb

(Mar. 2024)

Georgia O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887, in Sun Prairie, WI. Georgia O'Keeffe's mother inspired her to pursue art. Her mother was an art professor at Columbia College. 

Georgia O’Keeffe painted various objects, but she is best known for painting flowers up close. She painted her flowers up close so people could see their beauty. Since the flowers were so close, the petals went off the page. Throughout Georgia O'Keeffe’s career, she painted over 2,000 flowers. When she painted her flowers, Georgia O'Keeffe used bright colors. Also, when painting flowers, she used shading and highlighting. 

Georgia O'Keeffe used a technique called vantage point when painting. Vantage point is a perspective of how you see something. Georgia O’Keeffe died on March 6, 1986, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Featured Student Art:

Flowers Inspired by O'Keefe

(Mar. 2024)

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Class 701

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The Colorful World of  Andy Warhol

 by Kimberly Cuahutencosbarb

(Feb. 2024)

Andy Warhol was a cool artist who did something really different with his art. 

He liked using the same picture but changing the colors to make it look exciting. 

What made him famous was his pop art, where he used everyday stuff to create amazing art pieces. 

In the 1950s and 60s, he switched from doing ads to making art that people could hang on their walls. Before that, he made advertisements.

When he moved to New York in the 1960s, he kept doing art but differently. Andy Warhol's art showed us that everyday things, like soup cans and famous faces, can be art as well. He made a big impact on how we enjoy art today. 

Featured Student Art:

The Pop Art Collection

(Feb. 2024)