School Community

Rock Band Trip to Broadway

by Gabriella Galati (April 2024)

The school trip to the "MJ Musical" at Neil Simon Theatre was one of my favorite trips. It was very entertaining. Those in the Rock Band or Rock Band Club on Fridays were invited to go. Around 11:00 AM we could have lunch before arriving. We had to take two trains, but it wasn't that long of a ride.

The space in the theatre was very big. There was food people could get to eat or drink. At the end of the show, the audience could buy souvenirs. These included a glittery Michael Jackson glove, hoodies, a signed poster with the cast's signatures, a signed robe, and more. After the performance, the actors kindly asked for donations. The donated money would be used to support the actors. 

Exciting School Trips: Our Favorites

by Gabriella Galati (Mar. 2024)

Students enjoy going on various school trips, which include visits to places such as the bowling alley, musicals, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Liberty Science Center, movie outings, zoos, Chinatown, and Dave And Busters. Some of these trips act as incentives for those involved in activities like Rock Band, achieving Honor Roll/Principal's List, or participating in the Orchestra, while others are open to everyone.

Bowling is one of the most popular trips, with the school allowing participants to play two games to ensure a timely return to school. Food can be bought during the trip, and if not, the school also provides a school lunch option. Students also have the option to bring an adult with them on trips.

Another favorite trip is Brooklyn Bridge Park. Brooklyn Bridge Park is a fun trip to attend. This trip has a tremendous amount of space to explore, including grassy areas, piers overlooking Manhattan, and swings. Students are able to play a variety of sports too. Personally, I enjoy the swings and the fresh air. While almost all students enjoy the trip, some have stated that they would also like to have planned and structured activities at the park.

Last but not least, one of the most popular trips is Dave And Busters. In particular, this trip stands out as a lot of people's favorite. Dave And Busters has a bunch of things to do, and students never get bored while playing arcade games. Dave And Busters also offers food and drinks if students get hungry from all the activities.

What school trips would you like to go on in the future? We’d love to know!


Brooklyn Bridge Park

Dave And Busters

Middle School Clubs

by Iskandar Bazarov & Ivan Amora Sanchez (Feb. 2024)

What do middle school students think about 

the clubs at PS/IS 121?

School Clubs - Newspaper 2.2024.mp4

During marking period 2, there were many new additions to student clubs. We conducted interviews with  students as part of the new Newspaper club. Through these interviews, we discovered that people enjoyed their clubs, finding them relaxing and improved by being with more friends. They mentioned that participating in clubs helped in their everyday lives as they gained a better understanding of the subject or activity.


Throughout marking period two, some clubs remained unchanged while others underwent modifications. While some students miss a few of the old clubs like karaoke, they are happy with some of the new additions. 

The latest additions to our clubs include the Newspaper, Volleyball, Health, and Game Club. These clubs offer a relaxing and enjoyable way to end the week and start the weekend, meeting once a week on Fridays. Clubs are a new and exciting addition to our school year. If you are in the middle school, we’d like to know: which club do you hope to join next?