Conference House Park


Conference House Park is a sight to see, with a view of the ocean and many historic landmarks to visit. There is much historical significance in this park; the Lenape, a Native American tribe, used to reside there, and the Conference House hosted a Peace Conference that could have been pivotal in the Revolutionary War. Nature surrounds this park, with a significant view of New Jersey from the Staten Island coast, and visitors take in many beautiful views.

Lenape People

The Lenape tribe that lived there mainly hunted deer. They utilized the entire body of a deer, wasting nothing. There is a common game in the Lenape culture where children will try to poke a stick through a string loop that is attached to the stick. This helps the children train their hand-eye coordination that could be used to hunt deer.  

Peace Conference

During the Revolutionary War, Christopher Billopp, a loyalist who owned the house that was later named the Conference House, helped to organize an unsuccessful peace talk that occurred on September 11, 1776. Some important figures who attended this meeting included Benjamin Franklin,  John Adams, Lord Admiral Howe, and Edward Rutledge. 

Fast facts:

Conference House Park

A view from the pavilion at Conference House Park. The pavilion overlooks Raritan Bay and New Jersey.

Photo gallery

Student Quotes


This is a piece of art that was made from litter that students cleaned up from the beach at Conference House Park.


This video was taken at the waterfront pavilion that overlooks the water between Staten Island and New Jersey. On the waterfront, we learned about the Lenape, who were the native tribe that inhabited Staten Island.

conferece house park information 

Phone Number: (718) 984-6046


Address: 7455 Hylan Boulevard | Staten Island, NY 10307

Conference House Tours: Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
