
Do you think you, your child, or a student could benefit from meeting with a school guidance counselor? Feel free to complete the School Counseling Student Referral Form and we will follow up with you.

This short survey is focused on your wellness! Your answers will help make sure that you and your classmates are supported. You can fill out at any time and a counselor may follow up with you to provide support based on the response you provide.

Bullying is a serious issue and will not be tolerated. Use this form to report bullying and/or harassment that occurred on school property; at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property; on the way to and/or from school; on social media or through text message, during the current school year. If you are a student or a friend of student who is getting bullied and wish to report an incident of bullying, complete this form.

Reports can be made anonymously.