Positive School Climate/Community Building Initiatives

Bullying Prevention Resources

Back to School Community Building Lessons with Mrs. Scaglia

Celebrating Uniqueness & Diversity

Kindergarten and First Grade Second and Third Grade

Kindergarten & first graders heard a story called "The Crayon Box that Talked!" This story celebrates the creation of harmony through diversity. Students learned that when we all cooperate & work together, the outcome is always more interesting and colorful. Click here to read a letter to parents for more information on this lesson.

Grades 2 and 3 heard this story which encourages all of us to embrace our individuality & become the best version of ourselves by using positive self-talk, sharing our talents and unique qualities with others. Click here to read a letter to parents for more information on this lesson.

HIB Refresher Lessons

Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Fourth Graders receive a series of lessons reviewing what bullying is & how it is different from normal conflict. They learn about the SBSD HIB policy and are reminded that when someone uses words or actions that target someone else with the purpose of insulting, humiliating, or demeaning them based on their differences or unique personal characteristics, they are violating the HIB Policy. While viewing a Sunburst Media Video, called "I Was Just Kidding" they review strategies they can use should they witness or be the target of bullying behavior. Read the parent letter here.

Fifth graders also receive a series of lessons reviewing what bullying is & how it is different from normal conflict. They learn about the SBSD HIB policy and are reminded that when someone uses words or actions that target someone else with the purpose of insulting, humiliating, or demeaning them based on their differences or unique personal characteristics, they are violating the HIB Policy. Additionally, in fifth grade, we focus on cyberbullying. Children learn to identify when cyberbullying is occurring, recognize the feelings that result from it, learn strategies to prevent and cope with cyberbullying. Read the parent letter here.

October 17-21, 2022 School Violence Awareness Week Activities

Click here to read: Monmouth Junction Counselor October Parent Newsletter


SVAW Counselor Introduction Video

On Monday, October 17th, all students will participate in a PTO Sponsored Omegaman & Friends Assembly. Their message delivers the Anti-Bullying/Character Development message through a superhero theme. They challenge students to live a life as a Dream-Maker (making good choices) & not be a Dream-Breaker (making bad choices). See parent letter linked here.

Monday's Theme: "I Can Control My Feelings"


Introduction to Mindfulness & Our Weekly MJ Mindful Mondays

Mindfulness Room for MJ Families

Mrs. Scaglia's Mindfulness Room for Families: You can click on objects in the room & they will take you to various calming tools and activities. Have fun exploring!

Tuesday's Theme: "I Can Control My Body & Mindset"

Kindergarten-Grade 2

Grades 3-5

Wednesday's Theme: "I Can Control My Words"


All students heard a book called Words and Your Heart to teach and remind them of the power of their words.

Ask your child(ren) to tell you about the Wrinkled Heart Demonstration

Thursday's Theme: "I Can Control My Actions"

All students heard a book called A Little Spot of Kindness and were inspired to think about ways they can show kindness to others.


We finish our week with an introduction to our SB School Resource Officers. We hear how the School Resource Officers help to keep MJ a safe, caring and welcoming place and were reminded how we can all work together to prevent bullying and stand up for each other if we ever witness unkind behavior or bullying.

South Brunswick Acceptable Behavior Agreement Review:

Finally, all students participate in a class discussion about South Brunswick’s Acceptable Behavior Agreement, which outlines our behavioral expectations designed to promote a safe, welcoming, caring and inclusive learning environment for all students. After reviewing it, teachers will have all students sign off on the ABA in school. Please take time at home to review this behavior agreement with your child(ren) as, of course, your assistance is greatly appreciated and needed. Click these links to the Acceptable Behavior Agreements: K-2 ABA Grades 3-5 ABA

A few highlights from previous Community Building and Anti-Bullying Activities at Monmouth Junction

2021-2022 Jets Upstander of the Week Initiative in conjunction with Stomp Out Bullying


October Omegaman Anti-Bullying Assembly

Week of Respect sharing of Trudy Ludwig's story

The Invisible Boy

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying

Prevention and Intervention:

The South Brunswick elementary schools all have bullying prevention activities built into the counseling curriculum to specifically prevent and address bullying, cyberbullying and harassment and teach the difference between playful teasing vs. harmful teasing and conflict resolution and problem solving skills.

South Brunswick Schools have many proactive approaches to help prevent student behaviors such as harassment and/or bullying. For District information regarding the HIB policy and procedures, please use the following link:

SBSD Anti-Bullying Information​

Bullying Prevention Resources

Stop Bullying

A site dedicated to helping parents, educators, and community members stop bullying. There are also resources and articles specifically written for kids and teens.

Bystander Revolution (Take the Power Out of Bullying)

South Brunswick Parent Academy Bullying Prevention Information

Social Media & Tech Symposium III - Presented 3/23/19:

Parenting in the Age of Social Media (with & without technology)

Here's a book list I put together for the South Brunswick Parent Academy with SEL & anti-bullying books to share with your children: Character Education and Bullying Prevention Bibliography

Resources to help parents keep their kids safe on social media

Common Sense Media

This site reviews the vast majority of movies, apps, video games, and other media available to children. Each movie, for example, lists a parent-level age rating along with a kid’s perspective of appropriate age level. In addition, it gives a summary along with positive messages and violence or scariness rankings. There is a mobile app to make it simple to review any media your children may encounter.

Smart Social

