
What is gratitude?

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and joy we feel in response to something we have received, whether the gift is tangible, such as a book we look forward to reading, or intangible, such as a smile of encouragement from a loved one or a breathtaking view of a landscape.

Why practice expressing gratitude?

Simply focusing for a minute on the experiences in our lives we are grateful for shifts our thinking to a calmer, more content perspective, which can immediately comfort us. When we make the expression of gratitude a regular practice, we train our brain to shift to a positive mind-set more efficiently and maintain a more optimistic outlook. Cognitive research suggests that when we focus on the things we are grateful for, our happiness increases. Feeling gratitude also helps calm the body and readies the brain to learn.

Children may tend to remember happy memories of sweet snacks or toys. Focusing on expressing gratitude to a person helps children realize that happiness is not dependent on possession or wealth. Rather, the generosity in another person’s action or their own actions is deeply satisfying.

My favorite video on gratitude: Fabulous for Grades 4 and up!

Gratitude Revealed by Louie Schwartzberg

A Few Ways You Can Practice Gratitude at Home with Your Child

Introduce and define the word Gratitude. It is a feeling and a way of thinking that expresses our thanks. Have your child share one thing that he or she is grateful for and why. Model this first by sharing one thing you are thankful for and why.

Have a discussion to deepen your child's experience of gratitude with some Gratitude Questions for Kids from Greater Good in Action. Click here for questions.

Gratitude Cards

Give your child a blank piece of paper they can fold into quarters. Have them make and decorate a thank you card and address it to someone they are thankful for.

Gratitude Books:

Feeling Thankful by Shelly Rotner and Sheila Kelly

Thank You Brother Bear by Hans Baumann

Thank You’ by Betsy Chessen

The Lion and The Mouse by Jerry Pinkney

Gracias, Thanks, by Pat Mora