Independent Study ELO

For students that have a specific area of interest and want to dig deeper into that by creating a project or course of personal study based in research. In many Independent Studies, a mentor, teacher, or expert is found to help guide their learning experience.

Example 1: Interior Design

Ellie and Anek loved learning about the elements of design in their Interior Design course last year. The class ended, but they were just getting started! The students approached Ms. Dietsch to ask if she would mentor them so they could continue working on further, more in-depth interior design concepts and projects. Ms. Diestch agreed; this was not a first-time request and she was already prepared with a curriculum and checkpoints for their projects. Anek and Ellie will work on their designs throughout the year, creating and learning independently with the support of Ms. Diestch as a professional and guiding mentor.

Example 2: Diabetes Research

Rosie's sister was diagnosed with Diabetes, and Rosie's family has spent the past years learning about the disease. Rosie's interest in biomedical science inspired her to request a creative independent study that would allow her to complete extensive research on the medical treatments for Diabetes, and form this research into an academic paper that would model the work she will be asked to complete next year in college. Rosie will also learn from the field experts exactly how and why these Diabetes medications that her sister must take are affecting her body and helping her to manage the disease.