ELO Ideas

Start learning outside the box!

We are able to tailor an ELO to your interests, so these are a starting point, not by any means a complete list! Some are formal, others are created in-house and ALL will engage you in experiential  learning in the community.

Check the ELO Options page for more Ready-Set-ELO's that students can jump into throughout the year. 

Love the outdoors? Take the Hunter Safety Course, Boater Education Course, Wilderness First Aid or other outdoor education courses and receive varying levels of credit at CHS! Cost of courses are the responsibility of the student.

Become the CHS landscaper! Learn about the soil, the sun, the seasons and the growing conditions here on our city block. Take the time to make our outdoor area a place of pride with no weeds or overgrowth. Work on a grant to get funds to plant flowers. Steady work on a space like this could leave a lasting legacy and beautify our grounds, while earning you credits as you learn the lifelong skill of landscaping and gardening!  

Interested in leadership and travel?

Apply for one of the many Friends Forever International programs and choose your area of focus-Leadership, Multiculturalism, Creativity & Arts, Ecology, Healthy Living and Adventure Ed.  Your program will include other students and mentors from around the world! Program costs vary and school-year programs are free!

Have you ever imagined being your OWN boss? Are you full of drive,  determination and ideas? A Small Business ELO will give you the creative space to dream up a potential business,  create a plan, and learn alongside an experienced mentor to figure out what it takes to start an owner operated business.  

 Think about a Group ELO! If you are unsure about progressing through the world of ELO's on your own, consider a Group ELO to get you started. With a small group of focused friends, you could serve the community, explore art, create an after school activity, start a school club from the ground up...possibilities are endless and many hands make light work!

Interested in Family Heritage?

Look into your family tree, tell the story of your ancestry, interview older generations or create a family heritage document. 

Do you have a hobby? With a bit of planning and structure, your hobby can become an ELO! We can create your course based on personal goals and develop a project that will help you to grow in your knowledge and experience. 

Ex: Photojournalism ELO 

Interested in STEM, Museum Curation or Research? (click for description of opportunities)

Join together with the McAuliffe Shepard Discovery Center as a volunteer in one of many area. You could teach young students, create virtual content, work special events, maintain exhibits or landscape their outdoor areas!