
1678 - 1741

Image of Antonio Vivaldi

Image of the score of The Four Seasons

Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy, which is where he spent most of his life. His father taught him to play the violin, and the two would often perform together.

Antonio continued to study and practice the violin, even after he became a priest. He was called the "Red Priest" because of his flaming red hair. However, after a while, his bad asthma kept Antonio from saying Mass.

After that, Vivaldi spent all his time writing music and teaching. He taught at an orphanage for girls, and wrote a lot of music for the girls to play. People came from miles around to hear Vivaldi's talented students perform the beautiful music he had written.

Many people think Vivaldi was the best Italian composer of his time. He wrote concertos, operas, church music and many other compositions. In all, Antonio wrote over 500 concertos. His most famous set of concertos is The Four Seasons.

*Click on the sheet music to hear and see the notes move as the song is playing.

Why should you listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons?" video

Want to know more about Vivaldi? Why not read a biography in Epic! Check out The Live and Times of Antonio Lucio Vivaldi by Jim Whiting

Vivaldi's Four Seasons Read Aloud

Skip Through the Seasons: Part 1- Winter and Spring (English) Read Aloud video

Skip Through the Seasons: Part 1- Winter and Spring (Spanish) Read Aloud video

Skip Through the Seasons: Part 2-Summer and Fall (English) Video

Skip Through the Seasons: Part 2-Summer and Fall (Spanish) Video