The Next Generation Science Standards, or NGSS were released April 9, 2013. The standards are three dimensional, incorporating Disciplinary Core Ideas (what we know in science), Crosscutting Concepts (how we think in science) and the Science and Engineering Practices (how we do science). The SDCOE website has great resources on NGSS: 

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“The difference in the verbs used in the NGSS tells the story. Gone is the conception of science education as an abstract recall of facts. Instead, students demonstrate proficiency in science by engaging in actual scientific practices — in this case, developing models, designing solutions and constructing arguments. In the words of one standards author, the NGSS require that students move from demonstrating good note-taking skills to demonstrating true understanding of scientific practices, concepts and core ideas. The resulting implications for classroom practice could not be greater.”

                                                        Achieve NGSS Workbook

How Science Will Change with NGSS.pdf