6th Grade Integrated Science
Critical COncepts
Critical COncepts
Student Portfolio
Student Portfolio
Clicking the image above will invite you to make a copy of the student portfolio. This tool is intended to help students to build a body of evidence as they demonstrate competence in the Science and Engineering Practices, the Crosscutting Concepts and the Priority Performance Expectations for the course.
All SDUSD Secondary Science Critical Concepts/ Priority Performance Expectations, associated Proficiency Scales and supporting resources have been developed by a dedicated and talented team of SDUSD teachers who applied for this opportunity and were selected based on their grade level/course level expertise, NGSS experience and pedagogical and philosophical alignment with SD Unified Science. Thank you SD Unified Science Fellows!
All SDUSD Secondary Science Critical Concepts/ Priority Performance Expectations, associated Proficiency Scales and supporting resources have been developed by a dedicated and talented team of SDUSD teachers who applied for this opportunity and were selected based on their grade level/course level expertise, NGSS experience and pedagogical and philosophical alignment with SD Unified Science. Thank you SD Unified Science Fellows!
These draft curriculum materials and resources are meant to support the transition to NGSS in San Diego Unified and eventually to be used as an Open Educational Resource for all science teachers.
If you have suggestions, revisions, or would like to join us in this effort please email me at smoynes@sandi.net
Website Image Attributions: IS1: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/climate-ecosystem-earth-1471439/IS2: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/climate-change-global-warming-2063240/IS3: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/polar-bear-glacier-cold-threat-2376861/IS4 :https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/graphing-global-temperature-trends/