AP Exam Registration via AP Classroom ap.collegeboard.org

To register in AP Classroom, complete these 2 steps:

1 - Create a free CollegeBoard account.  

2 - Use join codes to register for course/exam.

Create an account at myap.collegeboard.org

Select "student" to create an account.

Provide your name - you will want it to match your high school transcript.

Provide an email - use a personal email that you actually check!  

Do NOT use your school email.  You will need to access your AP account after graduation to send your AP scores to college.

"Zip/postal code" = use your home zip code

"Where do you go to school?" = type in the name of your school and it should pop up as an option to select....if not, add the zip code of your school

"Stay Connected by Email" = keep the box checked...yes, they send many emails but they are very useful! 

"Parent Information" = optional but helpful 

Check the box "I agree with the Legal Terms for Students" - there is nothing spicy and SDUSD has already agreed to these terms.

Confirm Your Information

Check the boxes for what you wish to confirm.  Select "Edit" if you need to change anything.

Verify Your Email

You will receive a confirmation email from CollegeBoard / AP

Create A Password + Security Phrase

Password* = must be 9-30 letters/numbers and a special character 

*recommend that you save this password to your phone or another space   

Security Phrase = add something that will be easy to identify you... your dog's name, your favorite color, etc.

Add a Mobile Phone Number

You should definitely do this! They may send extra texts but some of them are very important.


Account is created and you will be asked a few more questions ... it is recommended you say "yes" to all...you can also add or decline later.

Select "Go to Your Dashboard" white button on the left side of the screen

Select the icon next to your name in the top right corner to go to your Dashboard for all CollegeBoard items....this will allow you to get to AP Classroom to enter join codes for the final registration step!

Accept the Terms and Conditions...nothing spicy...ok to accept.

Finally - account creation is done and you are ready to click the yellow "Join a Course or Exam" button and USE THESE CODES TO JOIN AP CLASSROOM