What is ASB?

The Associated Student Body (ASB) serves as the student government for Mt. Everest Academy.  ASB members represent the interests and goals of the entire MEA student body, from TK to Seniors.  Students who enroll in ASB recognize that being successful in school is about more than just coursework.  When students participate in activities outside of the regular curriculum, it creates a sense of community and belonging that enhances everyone's educational experience.  To that end,  ASB members use their imaginative thinking skills to plan, organize and execute activities that build a more positive, fun and inclusive environment for all MEA students and families. 

Course Requirements

1) MEETINGS (30%):   As an ASB member, you play a key part in the decision making process for the fun things that happen at MEA.  Our weekly meetings are the place where team members share ideas for events and fundraisers, discuss the options presented, vote on what they'd like to support, and start implementing a plan to make it happen.  You will gain awesome skills in leadership, event planning, and community building, but only if you participate! 

2) SERVICE HOURS (20%): Each month for ASB you will be expected to perform 4 hours of volunteer work in service of MEA. Service hours could include time spent working on your committee assignments outside of our regular meeting time, attending school events, dressing for spirit days, tutoring for PALS, leading a club, submitting photos to TreeRing for the yearbook, etc.

3) ESSAY (25%): You will compose a 300 to 400 word response to a given prompt. 

4) EVENT PARTICIPATION (15%): You are the spirit leaders of the school and you are expected to participate in as many ASB-sponsored events as possible.

5) PEER REVIEW (10%): Not only do you need to physically attend the meetings, you also need to engage in the process. Your fellow team members will evaluate the level of your contributions to the meetings and to the projects you are working on.


You will use Canvas to access your 2024-25 assignments and course materials.


Remind Messaging App

The ASB advisors and officers regularly use the Remind app to communicate with team members. 

ASB Leadership Team

ASB Advisors

✪ Ms. Rice lrice@sandi.net  

✪ Mr. Nielsen: enielsen@sandi.net

Ms. Krampe: kkrampe@sandi.net

Ms. Keck: mkeck@sandi.net

2024-25 ASB Officers 

Co-Presidents:  Jody Huege and Ray Pickinpaugh

Vice President:  Vihaan Bhardwaj

Secretary: Luke Steel

Treasurer:  Margaret O'Loughlin

Cover Sheets