Common Core Math 6
Ratios and Rates
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Class Notes
Week 1

Week 2
Week 3
Video Tutorials
Ratios and Rates (Note: Rates aren't only measures of time. )
Intro to Tape Diagrams
Ratios and Tape Diagrams
"More Than" Ratio Using Tape Diagrams: Part 1
"More Than" Ratio Using Tape Diagrams: Part 2
"Altogether" Ratio Problem Using Tape Diagrams
Ratios and Ratio Tables (Lesson 5.1 and 5.2)
Completing Ratio Tables
Ratio Table: Finding Unit Rate / Equivalent Rates
Finding a Missing Numerator or Denominator in Ratio Tables (Hint: The Values in a Ratio Table are really all just equivalent fractions!)
Unit Rate Word Problem: Solve Using a Double Number Line
Rates and Unit Rates (Lesson 5.3)
Comparing and Graphing Ratios (Lesson 5.4)
Percents And Equivalent Fractions
Converting Between Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
Working With Percentages
Finding the Percent of a Known Number
What Percent is It?
The Percent Proportion: Find the Percent, the Part, and the Whole (Lessons 5.5 & 5.6)
Finding the Whole/Total (may help to review cross-multiplication to understand the formula he uses)
Using a Percent to Find the Whole
Finding the Whole/Total when given the Part/Percent
Converting Measures (Lesson 5.7)
How to Convert Measurement Units
Additional Resources
Measurement Conversions
You will need to refer to this Mathematics Reference Sheet when completing the 5.7 Exercises.
You can also find this on page B1 at the back of your textbook.

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
5.1 Ratios (CCSS 6.RP.1)
5.2 Ratio Tables (CCSS 6.RP.1, 6. RP.3a)
5.3 Rates (CCSS 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3a, 6.RP.3b)
5.4 Comparing and Graphing Ratios (CCSS 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3a)
5.5 Percents (CCSS 6.RP.3c)
5.6 Solving Percent Problems (CCSS 6.RP.3c)
5.7 Converting Measures (CCSS 6.RP.3d)